These are a few recent acquisitions to the pattern collection. This first one is a charmer! Early 1950's. A lovely......
apron pattern etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
apron pattern etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
9 Nisan 2015 Perşembe
27 Haziran 2014 Cuma
May and June Apron of the Month- Free Pattern
Announcing May and June Apron of the Month!! Marie and MegI am so excited about these aprons I don't know where......
30 Nisan 2014 Çarşamba
April Apron of the Month!
Were you getting worried about April Apron of the month? I was! I had grand plans for April.......but you know how life......
27 Mart 2014 Perşembe
March Apron of the Month
March Apron of the Month is here! I would like to introduce you to Hazel. Hazel is a modern girl with......
20 Şubat 2014 Perşembe
February Apron of the Month
I am so so excited to be introducing to you an Apron History Pattern and February Apron of the Month!theDorothy ApronShe......
23 Ocak 2014 Perşembe
Introducing Apron of the Month!
I am so so excited to tell you about a new feature I am starting!! As I have mentioned before, my dream is to start offering......
22 Ağustos 2013 Perşembe
Apron Finds on Etsy
1930s Ladies ApronPoking around on Etsy today I came across these lovely 1930s apron patterns from Mrs. Depew on Etsy.......
25 Nisan 2013 Perşembe
Reproduction Apron Patterns on Etsy
Vintage Flapper Era Apron PatternIsn't this a charming apron? I was so excited to happen upon the Etsy shop Indie Sommer......
9 Nisan 2013 Salı
A New Apron Pattern
This really isn't my new pattern, but my sister's. I talked her into letting my borrow it to share here. I love version......
11 Ekim 2012 Perşembe
Free Apron Pattern Find
Need a little weekend sewing project? Try these cute little aprons I found poking around the internet. They aren't......
12 Haziran 2012 Salı
A Few Apron Patterns
I haven't post a little apron inspiration in awhile. So here is a bit of the 60s! I think I have been watching too much......