In the second part of this project you will be the teachers for a while!Each group has its part from the book to prepare......
project etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
project etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
8 Ocak 2020 Çarşamba
7 Ocak 2020 Salı
Project on going! - First part: NEWS
Hi guys,We are starting a new project... it will count on your marks for the second term.This will be a Historical newspaper!You......
29 Eylül 2019 Pazar
Project 1 - Unit 1 Art
Each group will present to the class their work in a speaking presentation.You can use different resources (storyteller,......