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matt mason etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
matt mason etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
18 Kasım 2012 Pazar
30 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi
1967 - 1970
So who is Major Matt Mason? He is an astronaut, an explorer, and a pioneer toy brand.
In 1969 the world sat captivated as Neil Armstrong took the first steps on the moon and uttered that famous phrase, "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." And so it was that children all over America, in their own minds and adventures, took those steps with him.
In the years leading up to this historic event, the world watched as America entered the "space race" with their NASA program.
From these events, many boys toys were born, but perhaps the most memorable of them was Mattel's Major Matt Mason.
The hero of the series, Mason himself, was available in many different variations.
Before MMM, most boys "action toys [figures]" were in the 12" range, but this limited the ability to create a large line of affordable vehicles and playsets. What Mattel decided to do was shrink down the figure size to allow for a greater world for these characters to live in, and thus for boys to play with (and parents to buy).
As for the figures themselves-- which consisted of Mason and his astronaut pals: Sgt. Storm, Doug Davis and Jeff Long-- they were produced without joints (other than a swivel head) and instead were made as "bendy" figures: rubber figures wrapped over a bendable wire armature. While this was a unique and interesting design, it didn't lend itself to the longevity of the figures.
Mason and his allies in the Space Mission Teams Set
The wires often broke under heavy use, leaving the figures floppy rubber "corpses", and the paint on the rubber easily flaked off and/or stained from boys playing with them roughly or outdoors.
Because of this, not many figures from this line are found in "collector condition".
Because of this, not many figures from this line are found in "collector condition".
As inventive as the figures were, it was the playsets and vehicles that really made this line shine for most kids. Unlike today's toys-- which are based mostly on good guys vs. bad guys--, these were made under the concepts that NASA was trying to accomplish: exploration of the unknown and the advancement of all mankind. There was a true sense of wonder that this line evoked in most boys as they were able to play out their own adventures just as they watched man take his first steps on the moon.
Some of the wonderful vehicles and playsets from the world of Major Matt Mason.
Also, many of the playsets and accessories for this line were based on early NASA concepts and prototypes which only added to the realism of what Mattel was trying to accomplish.
NASA's prototype suits that served as inspiration for the Major Matt Mason line.
Later in the line, Mason was joined by new allies, including some "alien" buddies, namely Callisto, Scorpio and the over-sized Captain Laser, who honestly didn't seem to fit into this line at all.
Sadly, Major Matt Mason, with all his amazing playsets and vehicles and astronaut and alien pals, didn't last very long; only about two and a half years. It seems that as boys imaginations moved beyond the "space race", Mattel's MMM line came to an end as well.
Mason's alien allies.
For many children who grew up with these toys, Mason lives on as a benchmark toy in their childhood, capturing not only their interest, but the spirit of an era in American history as well.
As it stands now, MMM is one of the few popular toys lines that has never seen a resurgence, but that might be changing soon. Rumors persist that Mattel is gauging interest in the line for a possible come-back, and a major motion picture is in development with Tom Hanks and the producer and star. So, for those with fond memories of this line-- or collectors like me, who are just fascinated their design and place in toy history-- keep your fingers crossed that we all might see Major Matt Mason in the toy isles once again!
Classic commercial! They just don't make them like this anymore!
All photos are copyright their respective owners.
UPDATE: 8/23/12