Hello Friends! Here we are in a new year. Have things fallen back in the normal pattern? All the Christmas decorations......
Movies etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Movies etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
17 Aralık 2016 Cumartesi
27 Ocak 2015 Salı
1930's Inspiration
In between painting the back stairs several weekends ago, I pulled up on Youtube some random 1930's movies to watch. They......
4 Ağustos 2014 Pazartesi
Damsel in Distress
Yesterday, Mandy and I had an impromptu Fred Astaire movie marathon. He is one of my favorite actors! I love the movies he is in, he had such great comic flare. We were in the mood for a musical so we started with "Funny Face", also starring Audrey Hepburn. That really got us going, so when we noticed Netflix also had "Daddy Long Legs" with Leslie Caron off we went!
After that is was official, the next movie had to also be a Fred Astaire. That is when I came across " Damsel in Distress" on Amazon. Can you believe, I had never seen it?! It also stars two more of my favorite actors, Gracie Allen and George Burns. A typical goofy comedy from the 1930's; an odd ball story line written by P.G. Woodhouse, marvelous dance routines, fabulous costumes and great one liners. Loved it!
26 Eylül 2013 Perşembe
The Pug Dog Theory
Do you ever feel like it is your birthday when you return something?
In our house we love to quote the scene from the movie "Life with Father" about the pug dog statue. We know it doesn't really work that way, but every time I return something it feels like a bonus! I have been tidying up things and we are at the point where we can finally return some of the extra supplies hanging around. Now I just have to figure out what to buy with all that money.......
20 Haziran 2013 Perşembe
H.B. Movie Review: I Watched "The Iron Lady," So You Didn't Have To!
I’m guessing that based on the post’s title, you can deduce that I didn't enjoy watching “The Iron Lady” (2011). Starring Meryl Streep, the biopic spans from Margaret’s early days as grocer’s daughter to her last years grappling with dementia.
My main problem with the movie was that it didn't employ a linear narrative, and seems to hopscotch back and forth in time. Maybe, it feels disjointed because the story unfolds via a series of remembrances. Taking place around 2008, the audience finds Maggie in the grips of dementia. Though her husband Denis is dead, his ghost interacts with Maggie throughout. It’s these hallucinations, or sometimes a home movie, old photograph, or news story that sparks the flashbacks which depict the important episodes in her life. These memories are juxtaposed with Maggie trying to navigate her way through everyday life as she tries desperately to grasp reality.
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My main problem with the movie was that it didn't employ a linear narrative, and seems to hopscotch back and forth in time. Maybe, it feels disjointed because the story unfolds via a series of remembrances. Taking place around 2008, the audience finds Maggie in the grips of dementia. Though her husband Denis is dead, his ghost interacts with Maggie throughout. It’s these hallucinations, or sometimes a home movie, old photograph, or news story that sparks the flashbacks which depict the important episodes in her life. These memories are juxtaposed with Maggie trying to navigate her way through everyday life as she tries desperately to grasp reality.
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6 Haziran 2013 Perşembe
Esther Williams- Thrill of a Romance
I was so sad to hear today the 1940's movie star Esther Williams had died. To tell you the truth, I was also surprised she had made it to 91!
I always love her characters in her movies. So Cheerful, Spunky and fresh Girl-Next-Door. My favorite movie of hers is "Thrill of a Romance". Though I know I haven't seen all her movies, they can be hard to find! It is pretty much a typical 40s musical; cheerful dresses, pretty girls, a lonely solider, and a love story that is a bit far fetched. Don't you love them, though? But this one stands out because of Esther's swimming and Lauritz Melchior singing. Melchior was a Metropolitan Opera singer before he signed on with MGM. He adds a delightful twist to the movie.
Esther Williams has certainly left an amazing legacy behind.
12 Nisan 2013 Cuma
April Showers.......
Hopefully all these April showers will bring May flowers! It has been raining for almost a week straight here. There isn't much one can do when it is so gloomy and wet,
except Sing in the Rain!!
Spring comes very slowly here in southeastern Wisconsin. The days start to get longer, one might see a robin or hear a cardinal singing and the air feels spring like. The snow melts, brave daffodils start popping up, then all of the sudden the grass is green, the forsythia, daffodils and tulips are blooming! And even though we still have to wear hat, mittens and coats we know Spring has sprung!
At the moment we are still at the snow-is-gone-and-the-daffodils-are-poking-up-stage, but any day now and the flowers should all be bursting open!
We get a little antsy for Spring. If it is too slow, we have to help it along by celebrating with out it! Like painting one's nails or buying bright new wellies or picking up a pot of daffodils in bloom at the garden center or knitting the brightest colored sweater possible.
At the moment we are still at the snow-is-gone-and-the-daffodils-are-poking-up-stage, but any day now and the flowers should all be bursting open!
We get a little antsy for Spring. If it is too slow, we have to help it along by celebrating with out it! Like painting one's nails or buying bright new wellies or picking up a pot of daffodils in bloom at the garden center or knitting the brightest colored sweater possible.
14 Mart 2013 Perşembe
Fred Astire and Ginger Rodgers- Roberta
We recently re-watched "Roberta" starring Irene Dunn, Randolph Scott, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers. I had forgotten how much I love this film! The third Fred and Ginger movie, it is a story revolving around a Paris dress shop Roberta's. Of course there is lots of wonderful dresses and dances!
If you watch the movie, keep your eye out for a young Lucille Ball as a model and don't skip the opening credits! Very classic 30s deco!
14 Şubat 2013 Perşembe
Happy Valentine's Day!
I know I posted this last year, but it is too cute!
And for your enjoyment "Be Careful It's My Heart", a lovely song by Bing Crosby and dance by Fred Astaire from Holiday Inn. I couldn't embed the video, but here is link for a Color Version!
P.S. And if you are looking for a fabulous Valentine Cookie, check out Perhaps I Should Have Been Supervised!!
19 Ocak 2013 Cumartesi
Designing Woman
"Designing Woman" starring Gregory Peck and Lauren Bacall has been on my wish list for a long time. I can't remember how I first ended up watching it, renting it from netflix, from the library or what, but it was an instant favorite! You don't often see Lauren Bacall in a comedy and in this one she out did herself! There is some fabulous costumes designed by Helen Rose (watch for the mink dress Lauren Bacall wears to the fights!), great character actors, a fashion show, a quirky black poodle who likes shoes and a fighter who is making a come back.
4 Ekim 2012 Perşembe
Have You Sung with Your Sister Today?
I just recently discovered Rosemary Clooney had a sister. When they were young, Rosemary and Betty sang with a band as the Clooney Sisters. They are so cute together! And both had wonderful voices. Rosemary's was a little lower and huskier.
One of Rosemary's most popular songs was "Sisters" written by Irving Berlin for the movie White Christmas. My sisters and I love that song! When we were about 12, we discovered White Christmas. I think we watched it everyday for a week! And when we weren't watching it we danced around the house singing "Sisters".
This is the only video I could find of them singing "Sisters" together. (and it isn't even the whole song, just a clip) Rosemary and Betty look so much alike!
A full recording of Rosemary and Betty singing "Sisters".
Betty died suddenly in 1976 at the age of 45. Rosemary said she would never get over it.
If it were my sister, I don't think I would get over either....
Sisters, sisters
There were never such devoted sisters,
Never had to have a chaperon, no sir,
I'm there to keep my eye on her.
Caring, sharing
Every little thing that we are wearing.
When a certain gentleman arrived from Rome,
She wore the dress, and I stayed home.
All kinds of weather, we stick together
The same in the rain and sun!
Two different faces, but in tight places
We think and we act as one!
There were never such devoted sisters,
Never had to have a chaperon, no sir,
I'm there to keep my eye on her.
Caring, sharing
Every little thing that we are wearing.
When a certain gentleman arrived from Rome,
She wore the dress, and I stayed home.
All kinds of weather, we stick together
The same in the rain and sun!
Two different faces, but in tight places
We think and we act as one!
Sisterys, I am so blessed to have you in my life! Love you!
13 Eylül 2012 Perşembe
Aprons in the Movies
What a glamorous picture of Lauren Bacall! Makes her rather ordinary half apron that much prettier.
Carmen Miranda making.........water?! I am sure this is just a publicity picture as she really doesn't look like she is cooking anything. Love her apron though! And did you notice the rick-rack trim on her dress underneath?
Barbra Billingsly as June Cleaver wearing a frilly little apron of sheer fabric. Obviously not for gardening!
From "Millions Like Us" an English 1940s movie about a girl who is called up to do war work. Even though she hopes for a glamorous job, she is stuck with factory work. Played by Patricia Roc. Very cute typical 40s style.
4 Eylül 2012 Salı
Audrey Heburn- Sabrina
My sister and I watched "Sabrina" with Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart and William Holden. I had forgotten how cute it is. If you are tired of the same happy ending movies, this one is a classic happy ending with a twist!
I really wanted to show a clip of the cooking school scenes, but this was the closest I could find. It is very cute!! Enjoy! And shamefully only Audrey is wearing an apron!
18 Haziran 2012 Pazartesi
It Happened in Brooklyn
My sister and I watched "It Happened in Brooklyn" this weekend. Twice! Starring Frank Sinatra, Jimmy Durante, Kathyrn Grayson and Peter Lawford. So many great actors packed into one film! The storyline is very simple and sweet. A returning GI tries to resume life in his hometown of Brooklyn along the way encountering a lovely music teacher, friends old and new, dreams out of reach and lots of songs!
The best part? Jimmy Durante cooking spaghetti wearing an APRON! He then sings "I Believe" still wearing it. The apron is so cute, I wouldn't mind one......
8 Mart 2012 Perşembe
Father Knows Best
Have you ever seen the old television show "Father Knows Best"? My Mom and I have just discovered it, thanks to Netflix! It isn't action packed or dramatic, just meanders along. Our favorite part of the show is looking at the 50s decorating and the kitchen. Of course Jane Wyatt, being a good 1950s housewife, wears a myriad of aprons!
I came across this commercial for one of the sponsors, All Laundry Detergent.
I am sure not everyone is in love with vintage advertisements as I am. I thought we would take a small break. Parts 3 and 4 of the Herrschners catalog will be up Friday and Saturday.
21 Aralık 2011 Çarşamba
A White Christmas at Holiday Inn
Everyone has seen Irving Berlin's White Christmas, at lest I hope so! It is a holiday classic. You can't go wrong with Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney to sing and Danny Kaye and Vera Ellen to dance. Throw in a handful of Irving Berlin's songs and you know why it is a classic. He had such a way with words.
White Christmas was released in 1954. But did you know, it was made because of the enormous success of a previous movie?
Made in 1942, Holiday Inn was based on an idea of Irving Berlin's about an innkeeper who just wanted to open his inn fifteen days a year, on holidays! Of course there is a song for every occasion. For Christmas, "White Christmas", sung by Bing Crosby and Marjorie Reynolds.
The first time White Christmas was sung. Such a cozy scene!
And look! Bing is wearing an apron!
This is from the New Year's Eve scene. If you would like to hear the song, "Let's Start the New Year Right" click here. for some reason I couldn't embed it.
And of course, dancing by Fred Astaire! This is the St. Valentine's Day song. In case you didn't guess!
These two movies are some of my favorite Christmas movies, well really my favorites movies. White Christmas introduced my sisters and I to 50's musicals. The first time we saw it (we were about 10), we fell in love. Everyday for a week we had to watch it! Lol!
3 Kasım 2011 Perşembe
19 Ekim 2011 Çarşamba
Margy Apron
If you remember I posted about "State Fair" and the apron Margy wore. It has been on my to-do list to make for awhile. Finally, here it is!
Margy in her apron singing "It Might as Well be Spring".
And me in my apron! But no song.....
And me in my apron! But no song.....
I am very pleased with the way it turned out. Just wish I had the blouse to go with it! :) Don't you love the pocket ruffles?
I couldn't quite decide from the picture whether the white is binding or rick-rack. I went with rick-rack because it is very 40s! If I make it again, I think the ruffles could be a wee bit wider.
Close up of the ruffles.
I couldn't quite decide from the picture whether the white is binding or rick-rack. I went with rick-rack because it is very 40s! If I make it again, I think the ruffles could be a wee bit wider.
Close up of the ruffles.
19 Eylül 2011 Pazartesi
Three Guys Named Mike
I know it's not Friday (the day I usually post movies), but today is a nice fall day. Rainy, cloudy, cool. The perfect day to curl up with knitting and watch a movie. This one we just discovered and now it is one of our favorites! It is cute and funny.
Three Guys Named Mike is about Marci Lewis, who decides to become an airline stewardess. Marci is a perky, fun loving girl who manages to get herself in a lot of situations. She also ends up with three boyfriends, all named Mike! I love the scene where they are all together and she decides one needs to be Mike, one Micheal and one Micky!
I also love the bungalow she moves into, so cute!
We watched this on Netflix, for all those Netflix users.