Scholarship -- Books etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
Scholarship -- Books etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

10 Aralık 2020 Perşembe

Martin's "Cherokee Supreme Court"

Martin's "Cherokee Supreme Court"

 J. Matthew Martin, an Administrative Law Judge with the Social Security Administration who for over a decade served......
Legal Histories and Historians in Socialist East Central Europe

Legal Histories and Historians in Socialist East Central Europe

Socialism and Legal History: The Histories and Historians of Law in Socialist East Central Europe, edited by Ville Erkkilä......

9 Aralık 2020 Çarşamba

Lian's "Stereoscopic Law"

Lian's "Stereoscopic Law"

Alexander Lian has just published Stereoscopic Law: Oliver Wendell Holmes and Legal Education (Cambridge University Press):In......

8 Aralık 2020 Salı

Rogers's "Workers against the City"

Rogers's "Workers against the City"

Donald W. Rogers, a lecturer in the Department of History at Central Connecticut State University, has published Workers......

6 Aralık 2020 Pazar

Duggan's Essays on Medieval Canon Law

Duggan's Essays on Medieval Canon Law

We’ve recently learned of the publication of A. J. Duggan, Popes, Bishops, and the Progress of Canon Law, c.1120–1234,......

27 Kasım 2020 Cuma

Laske's "Law, Language and Change"

Laske's "Law, Language and Change"

Caroline Laske, a research fellow at the Ghent Legal History Institute (Belgium) and the holder of a Heinz Heinen fellowship......

25 Kasım 2020 Çarşamba

Thomas's "Question of Freedom"

Thomas's "Question of Freedom"

William G. Thomas III, the John and Catherine Angle Chair in the Humanities and Professor of History at the University......

23 Kasım 2020 Pazartesi

Witt Reviews Holdren's "Injury Impoverished"

Witt Reviews Holdren's "Injury Impoverished"

John Fabian Witt, Yale Law School, has posted Radical Histories/Liberal Histories in Work Injury Law, a review forthcoming......

17 Kasım 2020 Salı

Hopkins's "Ruling the Savage Periphery" at WHS

Hopkins's "Ruling the Savage Periphery" at WHS

The next meeting of the Washington History Seminar, on Monday, November 23 at 4:00 pm ET, will be devoted to Ruling the......

13 Kasım 2020 Cuma

Paschal's "Jim Crow in North Carolina"

Paschal's "Jim Crow in North Carolina"

 Richard A. Paschal, an attorney in private practice in Raleigh, has published Jim Crow in North Carolina: The Legislative......
Helmholz's "Natural Law in Court" at NBN

Helmholz's "Natural Law in Court" at NBN

Over at New Books Network, Jeffrey Bristol talks to R. H. Helmholz, University of Chicago Law School, about Natural Law......

12 Kasım 2020 Perşembe

Boris's "Making the Woman Worker" at WHS

Boris's "Making the Woman Worker" at WHS

The next meeting of the Washington History Seminar, on Monday, November 16 at 4:00 pm ET, will be devoted to Making the......

1 Kasım 2020 Pazar

Gerstle & Isaac, eds., "States of Exception in American History"

Gerstle & Isaac, eds., "States of Exception in American History"

New from the University of Chicago Press: States of Exception in American History, edited by Gary Gerstle (University of......

27 Ekim 2020 Salı

A Symposium on Sullivan's "Church State Corporation"

A Symposium on Sullivan's "Church State Corporation"

The symposium Secularism, religion, and the public sphere has recently concluded over at The Immanent Frame, the blog of......

14 Ekim 2020 Çarşamba

Zelden on Talking Legal History

Zelden on Talking Legal History

 New on “Talking Legal History” with Siobhan M. M. Barco is her interview of Charles L. Zelden "about the new expanded......
Losano on War Prohibitions in Postwar Constitutions of Japan, Italy and Germany

Losano on War Prohibitions in Postwar Constitutions of Japan, Italy and Germany

The Max Planck Institute for European Legal History announces a new publication, Three constitutions against war: Japan,......

6 Ekim 2020 Salı

Owensby and Ross Interviewed on "Justice in a New World"

Owensby and Ross Interviewed on "Justice in a New World"

Every month or so the Toynbee Prize Foundation posts interviews with the authors of books on comparative and global history. ......

29 Eylül 2020 Salı

Comparative Constitutiional History: Collected Essays

Comparative Constitutiional History: Collected Essays

Published this summer by Brill: Comparative Constitutional History: Volume One: Principles, Developments, Challenges, edited......

15 Eylül 2020 Salı

David's "Kinship, Law and Politics"

David's "Kinship, Law and Politics"

Joseph E. David, Sapir Academic College, Israel, has published Kinship, Law and Politics: An Anatomy of Belonging in the......

14 Eylül 2020 Pazartesi

Religious Normativity in Early Modern New Granada

Religious Normativity in Early Modern New Granada

[We have the following announcement from our friends at Max Planck.  DRE]Religious Normativity in Early Modern New......