spring etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
spring etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

24 Mayıs 2019 Cuma

Apple Blossom Time 2019

Apple Blossom Time 2019

It's Apple Blossom time over here! I love this time of year. And this year, I have two trees to enjoy! But we will get there in a moment....

 You don't mind way too many pictures of beautiful apple blossoms, do you? Good. I can't get enough! And alas, it is a very short season....

 The little apple tree didn't flower quite abundantly as last year. But it was a long hard winter. I am enjoying what it has!

 I'm so glad I took these when I did! Our weather has been a little more volatile then usual. The day after it was very warm and now it is back to rainy and chilly....

 The other apple blossoms I am enjoying this year, it the crab apple at the Brick House! This old tree is so huge and beautiful!

 I have been working on getting all the flower beds weeded and defined at the Brick House. It is so fun to suddenly see a shower of petals raining down!

 Mmmm… don't you love that color?

This week marks the one year anniversary of the Brick House! Even though I didn't technically buy the house this month, this is when I first looked at it and accepted the counter offer. My, what a year! I loved (almost) every minute of it! 

24 Nisan 2019 Çarşamba

Spring Cleaning the Front Porch

Spring Cleaning the Front Porch

One of my favorite things to do come Spring is clean the front porch! Somehow it really makes it feel like the warm weather is back. Mom and I started in on the porch bright and early Saturday morning. We weren't sure how the weather was going to turn out as we had planned on starting our cleaning on Friday, but there was a stiff North breeze.

 It always amazes us how dirty it gets! Floors, windows, walls and furniture all get washed down. The cushion covers also get taken off and put through the wash.
And any miscellaneous flotsam and jetsam that has accumulated over the winter gets put somewhere else. Including the salt bucket and shovels!
You can see I have already put out my pinwheels!

We also drag the rug on the porch and the rug in the entry to the backyard and give them a good scrubbing. We always marvel at these Waterhog rugs. They have to be going on 15 years and they still look good! They are so good at keeping all the snow and dirt in check. And nothing sticks to them! Muddy boots, plaster dust, dog throw up, greasy car parts; it has all come up. After a good wash, we hang them over the rocking chairs to dry in the sun.

Saturday turned out to be a beautiful day! 65 degrees and so sunny! So we decided the floor needed a bit of sprucing this year. I happened to have a pint of Sherman William's floor paint on hand and off I went!

It always feels so fresh after a good clean! And a faint aroma of new paint helps too!

These little lanterns we found at the dollar store. They have battery operated tea lights in the bottoms. We can't wait to try them out!

 I never seem to know what to do with this side of the porch. This is the side that chronically get piled with odds and ends. It is getting better though! The bench has helped! I would like to get another little table to use as a plant stand.  
Last year I wasn't sure if I like the green, but as you can see, it is still green! I love the new pillows for it. I think it compliments the green very nicely, yet ties it to the colors on the other side of the porch.

How could I resist houses!?!

Have I ever showed you my doorbell? It doesn't work, but I couldn't take it out. It's so cute!

12 Nisan 2019 Cuma

April Snow

April Snow

Did everyone survive the April snow? I am so thankful our snow only lasted a few hours on the ground and then it melted. It sure was crazy when it was snowing though. More ice balls then snow flakes!
I also put another mitten pattern on Ravelry. Which I thought was perfect timing! These mittens are a basic fingering weight mitten, which I happen to be wearing in the photo above! They are our favorite for the in-between weather. And because they aren't too bulky, perfect for keeping in jacket pockets for just-in-case. You can find the pattern HERE for free!

 The daffodils and tulips didn't even notice the snow, they are growing like crazy! Actually, this photo was taken a couple of weeks ago and they are huge now! We have four buds about to open!

Since this post is full of Spring randomness, I thought a Kerri photo would be nice to include. She loves the Spring!

I also put a cowl pattern up on Raverly! This was such a fun make! It is the Inside Out Upside Down Cowl. Anyway you wear it, it is pretty! I love the Woolstock yarn I used, so fluffy and wooly.

Isn't this the prettiest cereal bowl? I found two of these at a thrift store recently. The are Fire King milk glass. I had no idea what I was going to use them for when I bought them, but they were too pretty to pass up!

8 Mayıs 2018 Salı

Buds and Blooms

Buds and Blooms

Finally as much dragging of it's feet, Spring is here! Though I must say, it has arrived fast and furious. Everything has burst into bloom. There are little leaves on the all the trees and I have already had to cut the grass! It is heavenly!
I love this view along the side of the house. So much so, that I haven't been able to bring myself to cut a few flowers to bring inside. Maybe when the rain comes through......

Did you notice Kerri in the photo earlier? She loves sitting out this time of year. 

The apple tree is about to bloom too! I am so excited this year to see lots and lots of buds. Hoping to get a bummer crop of apples! (I will be sure to take more pictures when it is blooming, because who can resist an apple tree in bloom?!) For such a cold Spring this year, everything is right on time. Last year the apple blossoms were out on May 12

27 Nisan 2018 Cuma

Daffodil Time and Spring Cleaning the Porch

Daffodil Time and Spring Cleaning the Porch

Finally our Daffodils are blooming!
They were just biding their time. As soon as the sun came out and the temps got a bit warmer, they popped right out. It seems like we have been waiting forever for them! (Last year they bloomed a week and a half earlier!) Last night I went out and cut a lovely bouquet.

I don't know if I have even shared a picture of the "cutting garden" on the east side of the house. Lots of green! The daffodils tend to grow leggy and fall over. But that is fine, it doesn't make me feel so bad about rescuing them and bringing them indoors!

I love this variety! Such a lovely creamy yellow. I don't remember what the name is though. These are the ones we transplanted from our old house.

This past weekend Mom and I spruced up the front porch and gave it a good spring cleaning. It didn't matter that it was cloudy and chilly, we were going to be ready!
(I am glad we did, as this week we have already been able to enjoy it!) 

 I added little tin pails to the hooks this year. I love how they look! The plan is to plant them full of flowers in a couple of weeks. For now, we have a couple of very fragrant hyacinths in them. 

I love that we can look out the front window and enjoy a very springy view!

The other side of porch was also part of the spruce up. I finally moved the table and bought a bench! The color I am not so sure of, but I love how much more inviting it looks. There are a few more things I would like to add to this side, so it is still a work in progress. Can't you just imagine a large pot over flowing with flowers next to it? I can!
How about you? Do you have a porch or deck that you can't wait to use?