British History etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster
British History etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

1 Eylül 2020 Salı

Networks and Connections in Legal History

Networks and Connections in Legal History

Just out from Cambridge University Press: Networks and Connections in Legal History, edited by Michael Lobban, London School......

31 Ağustos 2015 Pazartesi

A History of Archaeology in Bahrain

A History of Archaeology in Bahrain

It was a cool winter morning in 1878 when a young British officer by the name of Edward Law Durand (5 June 1845 - 1 July......

10 Ağustos 2015 Pazartesi

The Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf, Oman and Central Arabia

The Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf, Oman and Central Arabia

The Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf, Oman and Central Arabia (nicknamed Lorimer) [2] is a two-volume encyclopedia compiled......

17 Temmuz 2015 Cuma

"Your Spitfires At Work!" British Propaganda Poster in the Persian Gulf

"Your Spitfires At Work!" British Propaganda Poster in the Persian Gulf

© IWM (Art.IWM ART LD 5268)The nature of propaganda is intertwined with that of human nature. Propaganda served as a way......

27 Haziran 2015 Cumartesi

The Treaty that Outlawed Slavery in the Gulf

The Treaty that Outlawed Slavery in the Gulf

Officially known as the General Treaty for the Cessation of Plunder and Piracy by Land and Sea, this treaty was initially......

2 Ağustos 2013 Cuma

Freshen Up With Archaeology Friday (Post X)

Freshen Up With Archaeology Friday (Post X)

Coffin within a coffin found near Richard III siteArchaeologists have unearthed a mysterious coffin-within-a-coffin near......

27 Haziran 2013 Perşembe

My visit to Canterbury, London and beyond

My visit to Canterbury, London and beyond

Frequent readers may note that the blog has been quiet as of late this month but don't worry, I have a perfectly valid......