16 Şubat 2007 Cuma

Carnivals for the weekend!!

Here's some good reading for the weekend--

Georgia on My Mind has the 4th Georgia Carnival, with contributions from Alone on a Limb, Peach Pundit, The Spacey Gracey Review, and over a dozen more of the state's best bloggers.

The 48th History Carnival is up at Martin Rundkvist's Aardvarchaeology. Martin is a member of ScienceBlogs, an impressive bunch of folks and home of some of my favorite bloggers. Among his offerings for this carnival is a nice piece from Georgia's own History Is Elementary (who, by the way, will be hosting the next History Carnival!).

The Education Wonks have the 106th Carnival of Education, featuring Mike Bock's wonderful "The Education of John Adams" and nearly fifty other postings on education, from how to deal with ADHD parents, notes passed in class, and "new" student names, to discussions of assessment, "professional development," and textbook costs. Oh, and look at this-- History Is Elementary will be hosting the next version of this carnival as well! She's going to be busy, but we'll be looking for good things from her.

Finally, Action Skeptics gives us the 54th Skeptics' Circle, "as done by Mickey Spillane (or someone very much like him)," as Orac says.


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