28 Ocak 2008 Pazartesi

The Cambridge Prendergast Studentships

The Cambridge Prendergast Studentships are awarded

for study or research in the language, literature, history, philosophy, archaeology, or art of ancient Greece, according to a course proposed by the Student and approved by the Electors. The Electors may waive the normal requirement that some considerable portion of the year shall be spent away from Cambridge.
The studentship was established in January 1889 by Mrs Elizabeth Sophia Prendergast and named after Colonel William Grant Prendergast (1815-58) formerly of Trinity College. The first holder was Charles Alexander MacLean Pond (1864-93) of St John's College for the period 1890/92. He held this alongside the chair of Classics and English at Auckland, New Zealand (1890-3).

The electors invited
applications from any member of the University who has passed some final examination for the degree of B.A. in any year provided not more than four years have elapsed since December 19 next following the said final examination. The student is to devote himself to study or research in the Greek language, literature, history, philosophy, archaeology or art, according to a course proposed by himself and approved by the electors. The student will receive £200 for one year. He will be required to conduct his research away from Cambridge for a considerable portion of the year. The studentship is not tenable with the Craven studentship.

The BSA students holding the studentship include (in date order):
  • Arthur George Bather, King's College: 1892/93.
  • Edward Frederic Benson, King's College: 1894/95.
  • Frederick Arthur Charles Morrison, Jesus College: 1896/97.
  • Charles Douglas Edmonds, Emmanuel College: 1898/99.
  • John Hubert Marshall, King's College: 1900/01.
  • Alan John Bayard Wace, Pembroke College: 1902/03 and 1904/05.
  • John Percival Droop, Trinity College: 1907/08.
  • Arnold Wycombe Gomme, Trinity College: 1908/09.
  • Cecil Allison Scutt, Clare College: 1912/13.
Not all holders of the Prendergast Greek Studentship went to Greece.

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