18 Şubat 2008 Pazartesi

Honorary Students (1895-1915)

In addition to 'Associates of the School',

XXIII. The Managing Committee may elect as Honorary Students of the School such persons as they may from time to time deem worthy of that distinction, and may also elect as Associates of the School any persons actively engaged in study or exploration in Greek lands. (1907/08)
Honorary Students included a number of former Associates:
  • 1895/96: Professor John Bagnell Bury (1861-1927). Trinity College, Dublin.
  • 1895/96: (Sir) Arthur J. Evans (1851-1941). Keeper, The Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.
  • 1896/97: J.Linton Myres. Student of Christ Church, Oxford. Former student.
  • 1897/98: Professor Ernest A. Gardner. Former Director.
In addition:
  • 1904: Professor Alexander van Millingen (1840-1915). Professor of History at Robert College, Constantinople.
  • 1906: William Henry Forbes (1851-1914). Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford.
  • 1908: Professor William John Woodhouse (1866-1937). University of Sydney. Former student.
  • 1912: Alan J.B. Wace (1879-1957). Former Assistant Director; later Director.
  • 1914: Professor (Sir) John D. Beazley (1885-1970).
  • 1914: Edward Norman Gardiner (1864-1930). Corpus Christi College, Oxford
  • 1914. Richard M. Dawkins (1871-1955). Former Director.
  • 1915: Frederick W. Hasluck (1878-1920). Former Assistant Director.

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