28 Temmuz 2009 Salı

Email Grabber: A Tool with Lots of Potential


This $17 program is a great resource for people who are trying to compile lists of addresses from web pages (directories, databases, etc.). Student groups, authors, others may find this very useful.

For example:

I went to http://policyexperts.org/us_experts/us_experts_issues.cfm and clicked "American History" box. A list of all policy experts in "American History" popped up (including me!). I copied that web address to Email Grabber 2 and -- presto! -- all the email addresses appeared in a preview pane. You then have the option of exporting to text, CSV, and options to separate by line, semi-colon or comma.

NOTE: If you use the trial version, it will grab all the emails but scramble the part before the @ symbol. That is a trial limitation. I can attest that the $17 full version does cough up unscrambled email addresses!


Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

