17 Şubat 2011 Perşembe

My Immigration Heritage

I havent migrated anywhere but my grandparents have. My grandparents are native from Puerto Rico and in March 1961 they moved to Conneticut and then they moved back to Puerto Rico. My grandma had 28 years and my grandpa was 26 years. They were economically stable, they had jobs and good living conditions.

Grandma was a registered nurse and my grandpa was a histopathology technician. It all started when my grandpa was offered a job in a hospital in the city of Conneticut. They got to America without any problem since they were American citizens. They quickly settled up in the house and my grandpa headed to New Heaven Hospital. There he instantly got promoted to Sitology technician or as a supervisor. My grandma found a job in another hospital in Conneticut but her job status got lowered. She went from a registered nurse to a licensed nurse but  she got paid more than she got in Puerto Rico. She loved her job and she started taking extra credits or courses so she could have her original job status back. At the hospital, she served as an interpret for hispanic people who entered the hospital. She also says that people were very kind to her and she faced no problem. Once in a hospital she had a friend that had never been in Puerto Rico. After her vacation, she couldnt believe that Puerto Rico had televisions, electric stoves and proper housing. This gives us an idea of what people think of Puerto Rico.

All this changed when my grandfather went on a medical convention to Brazil. There he found an old friend of his that offered  him a job back in Puerto Rico. He quickly accepted the job offer and all the family moved back to Puerto Rico. My grandma liked it overthere but she agreed to move because her family was in PR. They got to Puerto Rico and went to live in the city of Ponce. Both of them went directly to their jobs and everyghting went back to normal. They dont regret living in the US for a while becuase they had a good experience and learned alot from the American culture.

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