The Indian's land was literally taken form them by the american and most of the Indians were forced out of their homes. Indians leaft their homes by force or by diseases and scarcity of food. Indians who leaft their homes moved into reservation camps. Indians were forced to assimilate and become more like the white men, they had to change their names, religion, and go to american school.
A lot of Indians were either forced into reservation camps or went because they had no food or were dying because of diseases and needed medication. In the reservation camps Indians were given rations, heal care , and somewhere to sleep. Sometimes cows were released in a closed enviorment and Indians were able to ''hunt' them.The last chief to arrive at the reservation camps was Sitting bull.
In the Indian reservation camps, not everything was going well. Indian medication was called the " brown bottle" which contained fish oil and a little bit of alcohol. In the wounded knee massacre indians gave up their weapons and later were shot at by white men. The estimated number of dead indians topped at 300 including women and children, 51 where wounded. Only 25 troops were kiled and 39 were wounded.
Today there are not much Indians leaft, although there are Indians living in the reservation they are practically extincted. Indians are supported by the goverment and are still given supplies. Most reservations are miles away from the closest city. Not many Indians are living in the reservations today and they are not really getting any help.
In conclusion the Indians had to go threw a lot of abuse and went to harsh times. Although Indian's land were taken Indians were paid back millions of dollar by white men. In the wounded knee massacre many unarmed indians where killed by fully armed white men. Today Indian's are almost considered to be extincted.
24 Mart 2011 Perşembe
What really happened!
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