3 Temmuz 2011 Pazar

Yoshio Nishina

Yoshio Nishina (1890-1951) was a famous Japan physicist and the father of modern physics in Japan. Yoshio was a co-author of “Klein-Nishina Formula”. He was also discovered the Uranium-237 isotopes (1939-1940). He was head of the “Japanese Atomic Program” during the Second World War. 

After his studies he joined in Institute of Physical and Chemical Research and visited to various study centers and University of Copenhagen Europe for research projects. In University of Copenhagen he worked with Niels Bohr (who is closely associated with Albert Einstein) for his research. He was founded the Nishina Laboratory in Japan and he invite some Western scholars like Bohr, Dirac and Heisenberg. Emperor of Japan awarded Nishina as “order of Culture” in 1946. In 1951 Nishina was died due to liver cancer. 

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