16 Haziran 2012 Cumartesi

Martin Luther King Jr

Martin Luther King. Jr means Non-violence, Modern American Liberalism, Peace movement and African-American Civil Rights Movement.

Martin Luther King, Jr (1929 – 1968), was a great social activist and the leader for African-American Civil Rights Movement. He works for the African American people and their basic civil rights in the country. During his period the black peoples were consider as a secondary citizen in the country even thought they fought for American Freedom. King raises his voice against the racial discrimination in the country through non-violence which is introduced by “Mohands Karamchand Gandhi” (Father of India).

King proves he is an eminent speaker through his reputation among American People and he established prominent place in American history. His famous code “I have Dream” was delivered during his March on Washington in 1963. The Next year 1964, King became the world’s youngest Nobel Prize winner for peace.

April 4, 1968 King was assassinated by James Earl Ray in Memphis. On 3rd April king delivered his last speech “I have Been to the Mountaintop”.

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