3 Haziran 2012 Pazar

Rosa Parks

Rosa Louise McCauley Parks (1913 – 2005) was an African-American civil rights activist and also she was called as "the first lady of civil rights", and "the mother of the freedom movement"

Rosa Parks, an African American who travelled in public transport in Alabama, Montgomery. She was arrested for refused to give her seat to white person because the federal law says “American should surrender their seats while the white demanding for it. Even though they bought the ticket they can’t claim the full rights”. 

This incident causes the great boycott against the Montgomery public transport which was called as "Montgomery Bus Boycott". It starts on Dec-1st, 1955 and ended in Dec 1st, 1956 (the federal system changes the transport laws against the African Americans). Browder v. Gayle, Martin LutherKing Jr and Ralph Abernathy were played the major role in this boycott. 

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