23 Temmuz 2012 Pazartesi


I've been such a hard-core toy collector and historian (if such a thing exists) for so long that I decided to have a little fun with my obsession and create a blog dedicated to all the wonderful toys and collectibles from the last five decades!

Granted, my knowledge about each specific brand and license is often spotty at best, but if I can at least help pass along some of my appreciation and enthusiasm for the history of toys (most specifically boys action figure lines)-- especially to newer collectors who may not know the origins of some of their favorite lines and characters-- then I feel I've at least done something right.

If you have any more insight or knowledge of the lines I'll be discussing here (and especially if you have any more pictures, including personal ones!) then I invite you to post in the comment section of that post.

I hope you all enjoy your time here and that I can infect some of you with the toys collecting bug! (Although if you're here, you've probably already got it!)

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

