1 Şubat 2013 Cuma

Tala Council Newsletter February 2013

First, may I wish you all a belated Happy New Year.

I am delighted to advise that we have a new website www.talacommunity.com.  There is still work to be carried out, especially on the Greek side of the site, but I hope you will find it easier to use and will like the format. 

The new church in the Square is now open and if you have a chance and the doors are open, please call in and have a look.  If you cannot get into the building, there are photos on the new website.  The Church is the Church of Jesus Christ’s Nativity and will now be the main church for the village of Tala. 

I have included a full note of the meeting on the website.  For those who were unable to attend and do not have computer access, a handout sheet is available at the council offices.  You will also find on the website a question and answer sheet which we hope will address most of your questions.  I am afraid that as regards costing, I can only quote approximate figures at this stage, as it is only when the full survey has been done that the total cost of the project, and the amount you will pay, will be known. 

Following the meeting, a sub-committee was formed with a number of volunteers who had experience with similar projects elsewhere and they have very kindly helped us compile a lengthy list of reasons why Tala should not be included in the project.

Appropriate letters have been issued to the Ministries involved and I am now waiting for a response from them.   I will continue to pursue the matter as I know that the Ministers will have had their minds on the Christmas/New Year holidays and will then have turned their minds to the question of the election.  I can assure you that the whole community has given their support to the Council in their stance against SAPA.

Further updates will be provided. 

The petition is to show support for Tala Council in their refusal for Tala to commence paying towards the sewerage installation in 2013 and to support the Council in their application to the appropriate ministries to exempt Tala from the project completely.  If you wish to add your name to the petition and have not yet done so, please either call into the council office, or email your name and address with a note that you wish to support the petition to Cathi on toffee@primehome.com.

If you are interested in running the kiosk/café at the amphitheatre, please note that this is available for rent.  Enquiries should please be directed to Cathi in the first instance pending preparation of the tender documents.

I mentioned in a previous newsletter that, following an EU directive, we are likely to see an increase in the cost of refuse removal as Cyprus will be required to comply with various edicts from Brussels.  One way we can all help is to put as much recyclable waste into the recycling bins as possible – particularly glass and bottles. 

The reason for this is that all waste is weighed before it goes into the land fill site and glass and bottles tend to be particularly heavy items.  If we can take such items out of our normal household refuse collection and put them in the recycling bins, then we can help reduce the weight of the rubbish going into the infill site and hopefully avoid an increase in the cost of refuse collection.

With regard to garden waste, again, if at all possible please either deliver your garden waste down to the site yourself [Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings 9am to 11am] or pay a small fee and the council will collect such waste from you direct.   Alternatively, if you can deliver your garden waste to the site at a time when the site is not normally open, you can collect the key from the council offices.  Using either the site or council collection will again save the cost of such items going into the infill site.

If you have visited the council office recently, you will see that we now have a recycling tower for domestic batteries just inside the door. 

We are gradually moving the recycling bins to areas where they will cause the least disruption to residents.  The location of recycling bins will now be:
Behind the Elementary School on Mavrovouniou Street
By the football pitch, behind Peramatos Street
Behind the park on the way up to Tala from Emba, on Petsokataliti Street
Monastery approach road, just before the café
Kamares Village – Koralion Street
Kamares Village – Clubhouse Car Park

The Greek Easter is late this year, falling on the first weekend in May [as opposed to the English Easter at the end of March!].   If there are any actors, musicians or singers out there who would like to put on a show for the village over the Easter weekend, could you please contact Cathi on toffee@primehome.com.

We are receiving a large number of complaints regarding dogs and the nuisance they are creating. 

Could I remind all dog owners that by law they have a responsibility to keep the dog under control [and on the owners property], walk it on a lead when off their property and clean up after their dog.  In addition, they must take steps to stop the dog being a nuisance.  In this regard, the main problem is barking, especially when the owner is away for the day or evening.  We are now issuing letters to those dog owners who ignore the law, and fines will be imposed if steps are not taken. 

There is a team from the council office going around compiling a register of properties in Tala with a view to establishing fairer criteria for calculating rates.   This register could also be used if we have to go down the mains sewerage route. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who provided help and support for the bazaar.  In particular, the businesses in Tala who donated prizes, Veronica Blower and Barbara Roberts who donated some lovely knitted toys and children’s items, the many people who donated bottles and other prizes, and the cake bakers, Nicky Williamson, Heather Stuart, Sue Hammond, and Daphne Diddams.  Also Eleanor and Kit for organising the stall holders.  In addition, I would like to thank Gary Adnams who organised the art display and also thank those who exhibited on the day.   Could I also thank Maria Savidou, the Head, Staff and pupils at the Elementary School and Elli Lestas and Barnaby, without whose help the bazaar could not have taken place.   A big thank you also to Mei and her team for the Taichi and Qigong display.

We raised around €1,000 which was roughly split 50/50 between the school [towards the Astroturf] and SKE [the Welfare Centre].

If any of you are expecting the imminent arrival of a grandchild, or are looking for a small gift for a friend, a catalogue of hand-knitted items will be produced in due course.  The net revenue from such items will be donated to the Welfare Centre.  So, if you are looking for a matinee jacket, baby’s cardigan, bootees and the like, please contact Cathi on toffee@primehome.com pending issue of the catalogue.  All will be lightweight for packing or posting!

In addition, if there are any other crafters who would like to include their products in such a catalogue, with a donation for each sale to the Welfare Centre, please contact Cathi with details. 

Please also remember that old pillows or cushions, and any spare wool, buttons or ribbons can all be recycled by the ladies at the Centre and if you have such items please leave them at the centre during opening hours.  Please also remember that surplus fruit and vegetables can also be left as these can be made into jams and chutneys.

You will have noticed that we have been carrying out some minor repairs to footpaths [replacing worn kerbs and paving] and filling in some of the worst of the potholes in the roads.  With the Government cutbacks, and pending a decision on the sewerage, there is an embargo on major road works, but I will extract whatever funds there are available and we will gradually work our way through the long list of minor works which are outstanding!

With the need for water meter reading and general short journeys around the village, the Council has decided to purchase a small motorcycle for the council employees to use.  This should prove a cheaper option as regards running costs for local journeys.

There are already established classes at Kamares Club on a Wednesday and Friday, 9.30am to 11am.    Subject to sufficient interest, a 3 month beginners course could start on a Monday.  If you are interested, please contact Mei on taichipafos@gmail.com.

If you have a little spare time, volunteers are always required – whether to assist at SKE [Welfare Centre], at the amphitheatre on show nights, to take over responsibility for a green area, or help at the garden waste site.  We are also keen to encourage activities that will help people to mix, so if you wish to volunteer your services, or if you have ideas for activities, please contact Cathi on toffee@primehome.com.

There will be a presentation of approximately 45 minutes regarding consular assistance for British Nationals at the Kamares Club on Tuesday 26 February at 2pm, followed by questions for approximately an hour.  Questions should be emailed to kvhasecretary@gmail.combefore the meeting.  To book a place at the presentation, please phone Kamares Reception on 26 652277 by 24thFebruary.

Wednesday 6 March                  Blood Doning at SKE [Welfare Centre]  5pm – 8pm
Every Sunday                                       - Bingo at Melitzia Taverna 7pm
Every 2nd Tuesday of the month           - Bingo at SKE [Welfare Centre] 7pm

[Dates and events are provisional at this stage]
25 May            -     Remembering Karen Carpenter & the Crooners
2 June              -     Barrie Rowe Big Band Sound
15 June            -     Whitney Houston tribute
22 June            -     Rod Stewart tribute
30 June            -     Tribute to Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis, Johnny Cash & Buddy Holly
13 July             -     Evening of popular and country rock
20 July             -     Evening of country music
10 August       -     Back to the 80’s
31 August       -     70’s Boogie Wonderland
7 Sept              -     Rock N Roll N Jive
21 Sept            -     London West End Show
28 Sept            -     London West End Show 
TBA                -     Music of George Benson & Carlos Santana
TBA                -     Greek plays and music     

Most of the shows will be ticketed and details will be available in due course. 

The next issue of the newsletter will be on 20 April 2013.

Areti Pieridou

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

