1 Haziran 2013 Cumartesi

Tala Council Newsletter June 2013

I am delighted to advise that we raised just over €600 at the above bazaar.  In addition, the Stephanie Residents Association made a generous donation of €500, of which €250 will go to SKE [Welfare Centre] and the balance towards the needy.  
Thanks go to Heather Stuart and Nicky Williamson for cake baking, Gary & Jan Adnams for the donation of the stuffed toys and games, Veronica Blower and Theresa Hosie for the knitted goods, Daphne Diddams and her neighbour for the jams and chutneys, Claudia & Edward Middleton for the decorated bottles.  In addition, Vouni Winery for the very generous donation of the wine for the wine tasting.    Thanks also to the gentleman who made the beautiful wooden toys [some were sold on the day and a couple were held back for Christmas].  I hope I have not missed anyone out, but  the help of all those who made the day possible was very much appreciated.     
We also received a substantial donation of various food items for which I thank all of those who donated and also those who helped package the items into suitable parcels.
If anyone wishes to make subsequent donations for food parcels, suggested food items:  Pasta, Rice, Canned tomatoes, Dried pulses, Flour, Sugar, Cooking Oil, Baby formula milk and baby food, Drinking Chocolate, Tea, Coffee,  Fruit juice, Biscuits, Shampoo, Shower Gel, Soap, Washing Powder and whatever you think is important for a family.   No perishable goods please.   Any parcels can be left at the Council Office and they will be passed on to the appropriate people.
I am pleased to advise that there will be a trip for pensioners by coach to Kykkos Monastery on Thursday 27thJune. The invitation is open to SKE and non-SKE members, although non members will need to make a contribution of €10 per person towards the coach.
There will be no charge for the coach for members, and those going on the trip have the option of either taking a picnic lunch, or of purchasing lunch at a local tavern where the coach will stop.  Lunch will cost €13 excluding drinks, and must be paid for in advance of the trip.
If you wish to go on the trip, could you please write your names on the sheet in the SKE Welfare Centre or email Cathi on toffee@primehome.com.    The bus will leave the village square at  0830.
There will also be a BBQ/Bingo night at SKE on Tuesday 18 June at 7pm.  
Most of you will have seen in the press that this tax is to be increased by the Government to help meet the terms of the Troika bailout.   The Bill is still at the provisional stage, but it has been proposed that a minimum payment of €75 will apply for this tax, with the actual payment dependent on the 1980 value shown on your title deeds.  In addition, the Government is considering amending the 1980 values to bring them up to date.
The tax is due for payment shortly and a further update will be provided once the Bill has been finalised.   There are a lot of rumours circulating which I would ask you to ignore until the final terms have been agreed.
The Minister of the Interior is coming to Paphos shortly and I am hoping to see him regarding the sewerage project.  

 Ifiyenia will be operating the kiosk 7 days a week, opening at 10am until 1pm, then 4pm until late.  Tickets for the shows at the amphitheatre will be available from there.   If you wish to book a party at the kiosk, Ifiyenia can be contacted on 97 656350.
I am pleased to advise that Astroturf is now in place in a section of the playground.   To prevent damage, a fence has been erected around the playing area and will be kept locked when not in use.  The children are delighted with the area and it is being used on a daily basis for part of their exercise regime, and also for playing football.  
The stage has been removed as a number of complaints were received  that this restricted performances and also that it was an accident waiting to happen as it was too narrow.  Additional toilets have been installed close to the playground area which can be used when there are performances at the amphitheatre, and also by those using the playground.    Due to costs, we have been unable to hire anything suitable for changing room facilities, but will seek planning permission for a permanent structure and hope to have this in place for 2014.   Pavements and drainage need to be addressed by the developer alongside the amphitheatre before a permanent structure can be erected.
We have an extensive list of shows for this summer.  In particular, there will be two shows involving live Greek music and I would encourage you to come along, mix with the Cypriots and witness some impromptu Greek dancing.  There will also be a shadow puppet show, Karagiozis, demonstrating an old traditional art.  Whilst the dialogue will be in Greek, it is a show that is now rarely seen on the island, and again I would encourage you to come along.
With the summer and higher temperatures now with us, could I ask that everyone be vigilant for any signs of fire.   As in previous years, the ‘fire watch staff’ will patrol around Tala so that they are immediately available should a fire break out and also to act as a deterrent to arsonists.  Should you spot any sign of fire, please ring Daniel on 99 699125 or Nikos on 99 630613 for immediate attention.
Could I please ask that anyone taking rubbish and recycling to the appropriate bins only leaves items which will fit into the bins.  Increasingly piles of rubbish are being left adjacent to the bins and this is then getting scattered either by the wind or animals.  This results in rubbish blowing around the village and the area then looks untidy.   Could I also ask that if you see anyone dumping rubbish anywhere in the area to take a note of the registration number and pass this to the council. 
I am sure you will agree that it is important that we all do what we can to keep the bin areas tidy.  Please also bear in mind that we only have a small number of outside staff and if they have to be diverted to clear up rubbish, they cannot tend to the green areas, parks or weed removal alongside the roads.
We have also received a number of reports of incidents involving the driver of a vehicle where the first part of the registration is AAX.  This plate is on a silver/grey pick up truck.  If you see this vehicle, could you please take a note of the full registration number and where it was spotted and pass this information to the council.   It is thought that the driver of the vehicle is responsible for a number of small thefts from properties and gardens, usually during daylight hours.
The annual cleaning to prevent fires is underway and if you have approached the Council regarding a problem in your particular area, could I ask that you be patient as we work our way around the area.
In addition to the popular Iasis Medical Centre at Kamares, there is now a medical centre at Emba, operated by Dr Olympia Tatsi-Georgiadou.  Whilst the Iasis Medical Centre at Kamares is membership based, the centre at Emba operates on an appointment system.  The approximate cost of an appointment will be €30-40, with a home visit €50.  Operating hours will be 9 to 2 and 4 to 7 Monday to Friday, and 9 to 2 on a Saturday.  Dr Tatsi-Georgiadou has ECG monitors, an oxygen machine and other equipment at her surgery which can be found in the centre of Emba, opposite the kiosk before you reach Stage One Theatre.  Telephone 96 866607, or 26 102010.
The bills due for issue for the first quarter were held back in view of the problems arising from the banking shut down.  In view of the restrictions being imposed, and as a way of cutting back on postal costs, it would help if you could call into the office to settle your account when you are passing.  A receipted invoice will be issued at the time of payment.   If you pay by standing order, your bill is being settled via your bank account in the usual way, although collection may possibly have been delayed. 
The Archbishop has promised to complete the car parking area as soon as he possibly can, given that car parking for visitors to the Square is very limited at the present time.  
RATES 2013
I mentioned in an earlier newsletter that we were carrying out an exercise to re-evaluate all properties and make the rating system fairer.   Given what has happened this year with the Troika, as a council we have decided to keep the existing system in place for the time being, so that everyone will pay the same for rates/refuse collection as they did last year. 
A number of volunteers are undertaking collection of the cats in the square and taking them to Paphiakos for a neutering programme.   All efforts will be made to ensure that only feral cats are part of the process! 
The above show will be held at the Amphitheatre on Sunday 16 June from 0800 to 1600.  This show replaces the one which had to be cancelled earlier this year due to the weather. 
All craftwork will be original and hand made.  Further information can be obtained from Yiota on 99 611892 or karolos1@cytanet.com.cy.
COUNCIL WEBSITE – www.talacommunity.com
I hope you have all had chance to look at the site and find it informative.   If there is anything you would like to see there, could you please contact Cathi on toffee@primehome.comand we will consider your request. 

16 June                 Art & Craft Exhibition – 0800-1600
21 June                 Karate demonstration
22 June UK’s No 1 tribute to Rod Stewart – tickets €10*
30 June Great Balls of Fire – celebration of the music of Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis, Johnny Cash & Buddy Holly.  Tickets €10, or €12 on the door.  Tel 99832538
2 July     Peter Pan [for children – in Greek]
5 July     The Melissi [for children – in Greek]
6 July                     Cannon & Ball with supporting acts – tickets €25  Tel  99 387 311
10 July                  Troika – maybe something about nothing [Play in Greek]             
14 July                  The Uk’s No 1 tribute to The Beatles – tickets €10*
20 July                  Nashville Players – regrettably cancelled
27 July                  Volare – I’ll drink to that – the music of Dean Martin – tickets €7.50 available shortly
11 August            Rembetika [Greek] music  Tickets €7
18 August            A Cyprus Weddingby Tala Youth Centre
20 August            Karagiozis – a traditional Cypriot shadow puppet show.
25 August            Aenao – live Greek music
31 August            She Will Rock You – tickets €7.50 available in due course.
7 September      Rock N Roll – Teen Idols [Pat Boone, Cliff Richard, Eddie Cochrane, Ricky Nelson, Connie Francis, Bobby Vee, Frankie Avalon, Bobby Darin & others] –  tickets  €7.50 available in due course.
13 September   To be advised
14 September   Rock N Roll N Jive – tickets available in due course.
21 September   Jersey Boys – tickets  €10*, or €12 on the door
28 September   Jersey Boys – tickets  €10*, or €12 on the door  
* Tickets available from Chillys, Hearns Book Shop at Coral Bay and the café at the amphitheatre, or 26 653132 or toffee@primehome.com
If you are out of the country and wish to reserve tickets, please email Cathi on toffee@primehome.com
Full details of the shows, including details of ticket outlets as they are released, available on www.talacommunity.com. 
Next issue 20 September. 
Areti Pieridou

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