1 Kasım 2013 Cuma

Tala Council Newsletter November 2013


I regret to advise that no progress has been made since the last newsletter.  SAPA had a meeting which I was unable to attend, promptly changed the agenda to include Tala, and then agreed that Tala should be asked to start paying for the mains sewerage from 2014. 
There has then been a subsequent meeting, which I did attend, where SAPA are now demanding that Tala start paying immediately.  The Government Ministers are still unable to make a decision despite intervention from the Archbishop.  Tala Council will continue to refuse to accept any requests for payment from SAPA.  However, there has been a suggestion that as costs have been incurred already in connection with the project, Tala should at least pay such costs [which we estimate to be several  thousands] and if by paying such costs they then agree to exclude us, then this is something that will be considered.
We are waiting for the winter rains to start before we plant up any new green areas.   Once the weather changes,  details of when and where planting will take place will be  posted on the website.  As happened earlier this year, assistance from residents on these occasions would be very much appreciated!
The designs for the pedestrianisation of the square are making progress through the various planning and traffic departments and we are hoping to have them finalised soon so that we can then apply for Government and EU funding.  A set of the provisional drawings is available on the table in my office if you wish to  see them. 
We are looking to purchase a piece of land suitable for a multi-cultural centre and which would also include provision of new council offices [leaving the Council free to rent out the current premises].    Pending building of such a centre, the Church will allow the village to use the hall under the new church.  However, this hall is intended for functions and weddings.   If you wish to book the hall for a function, please contact Cathi in the first instance with details of the date and function, but please bear in mind that the problem with acoustics has first to be resolved.   Rates start from €300. 
I would like to thank those who attended the Cliff Richard tribute show.  As a result of their generosity, €160 was raised towards the provision of lunches for children of impoverished families at the Tala schools.  The current cost for this service is €65 per week.    
I would also like to thank the members of the Stephanie Residents Association who regularly bring food parcels for the needy to the Council Office. 
We are also looking at providing Christmas presents for the children of such families and Cathi and I will liaise with the school to ensure that these children receive an appropriate gift.   The school is also keen to see the children in a uniform and we are looking for a sponsor to fund the cost for all the school children in Tala so that there is no discrimination between those that have and those that do not. 
The storage area for the council vehicles and property was broken into on the night of the 28th October and a large quantity of equipment stolen.   If you live in the area and noticed any suspicious behaviour, could you please contact the Police.
The Council have appointed a company to deal with pest control [vermin and mosquitos] throughout Tala.  Pet friendly chemicals will be used in respect of vermin control.  The service provided will involve spraying all residential areas on a regular basis.  However, if you have a particular problem in your area that needs immediate attention, could you please contact the council office.    
As previously advised, the District Office have chosen to carry out remedial works on the properties instead of demolition.   Such remedial work has now started to prevent further deterioration at the site.
It has been recognised that the systems in use in the office are out of date and that improvement is required.  In January a new system will be installed which will bring together the rates and water systems.   This new system will in fact cost less to instal than the current systems cost to maintain each year!  There will also be the facility to contact residents where urgent messages need to be relayed and you will, therefore, be asked to supply mobile phone numbers and email addresses to allow us to do this.   When you go into the council office to pay your rates bills, could you please supply this information to the staff.
Membership – current membership will run until 1/1/2014 and will then be renewable.     The fees are €20 for an individual, or €30 for husband and wife membership.   Members are automatically entitled to a free tea, coffee or soft drink and a snack each day that the centre is open.    They will also have the opportunity to go on any trips organised.     Membership forms are available from Cathi or at the SKE centre.
Current events:
Monday – 10am knitting and craft
Tuesday – 10am exercise [please note that classes have recommenced after the summer break ]
Friday – 10am exercise
Cookery classes – if you are interested in attending cookery demonstrations at the centre, could you please contact Cathi at toffee@primehome.com.  If there is sufficient interest, it is hoped to have a class once a week, possibly on a Wednesday morning.    Initially the classes will relate to Cypriot cuisine, but it is hoped that Tala residents of all nationalities will be willing to share their recipes and cookery skills.  A small charge will be made to purchase materials.
Could those of you who are members please contact Cathi with your up to date contact telephone numbers and, if you have one, email address.   She can be contacted on 26 653132 or at the email address shown in the previous paragraph.
As previously requested, SKE will always welcome donations of:
Bric a brac
Oddments of knitting or tapestry wool, buttons, ribbons, etc
Knitting patterns
Good quality toys and stuffed animals
Old cushions and pillows [used as stuffing materials]
Financial support to enable the centre to operate as no Government funding is available.   Registering for membership will help SKE financially.
Items should be left either at SKE or the Council offices.  Registration at SKE only please.
Regarding the Local IPT [payable to Tala Council], the appropriate disc has now been received from the District Office and payment can be made.   This tax is payable annually once you have your title deeds.  No reminders are issued but we are reviewing the office computer system to see if this can be changed for the future.   This tax is payable now.  To assist the staff, please have the Tala reference number available when you call in to pay.  If you are a first time payer, please have your title deeds with you when you call into the office.
The organizers are always in need of donations of dry food, of any brand. They are also desperate for volunteers to clean, brush and care for the cats and  undertake general upkeep of the park, or to organize fund raising activities as the costs of food and vets bills are high.  If you have some spare time and are willing to assist with any of these activities, could you please contact Dawn on 99 253430, or via the website www.talamonasterycats.com.
There are also cats available who would love a caring home.  Cats are available free of charge, but it is recommended that they are taken to a vet for a health check.  Most vets undertake this service free of charge.
The organizers have also asked me to pass on their gratitude for the generosity of Tala residents who responded with donations of cash and dry food when it was announced that €120 worth of dry food had been stolen from the park in September. 
As a thank you to Tala residents for their support, parties will be held at Vrasidas taverna on Sunday 24th November, starting at 1pm.  An open invitation is extended, but to allow for catering, could you please let Cathi or myself know if you will be attending.   Contact Cathi by either email or phone [toffee@primehome.com/26 653132] , but by phone only to me please [99 529584]. 

CHRISTMAS BAZAAR – Kamares Club, 16 November.   10am to 5pm
[V Night] UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS, TRAMPS & TARTS WITH EASY DUO – Vatouthkia, Thursday 28 November – tickets €15 available from Derek on derekincyprus@gmail.com
TALA XMAS BAZAAR – Sunday 8 December – see below
[V Night] XMAS PARTY WITH TAKE 2 – Vatouthkia, Friday 13 December – fully booked with wait list.
TALA XMAS CAROLS – to be advised
[V Night]CHINESE BUFFET & SHOWDANCE [Tina ‘the voice’ Chester and Martin ‘Swing’ Rhodes] – Vatouthkia, Saturday 18 January – details available from Derek
Direct from the UK – tribute to Celine Dion.  Vatouthkia, Thursday 23 January.  Tickets €25.00 including international buffet.  Tickets available from  96 818066
[V Night] VALENTINE NIGHT – With Neil James.   Vatouthkia, Friday 14 February.  Details available from Derek

Coming for 2014 – dates are provisional where quoted
T Rex/Marc Bolan tribute – 1 March
George Michael tribute – 28 March
Simon & Garfunkel tribute – 26 April
May/June – Tom Jones tribute
June – Diana Ross and the Magic of Motown
19-22 June – Bob Wyper as Rod Stewart makes a return visit
July  - The Worlds best tribute to the Bee Gees
Sept - Salute to Tony Bennett, Jack Jones, Andy Williams and Matt Munro!
Jersey Boys tribute – return to Tala on 20 and 27 September
Other exciting acts are being lined up and details will be made available as soon as they are confirmed.    Shows from May onwards will be at the amphitheatre.   Venue for the shows in March and April will be advised in due course.
As with previous years, if you wish to pre-book any of the shows you can do this by email to Cathi on toffee@primehome.com.   Also, if you need to know provisional dates of any of the shows, please contact Cathi.
A Xmas Bazaar will be held on Sunday 8 December in the hall underneath the new church.  At the same time, the library/museum will also be open as will the new church so you will have the opportunity to see these if you have not already done so.  The bazaar will open at 10am, with many stalls.  Refreshments will also be available.   A schedule of activities on the day will be published on the website closer to the date. 
In addition, please note that food donations for needy families in Tala can be made on the day.  Dry and tinned goods, cleaning products [personal grooming and household cleaning], nappies, baby food and the like would be very much appreciated.  
If anyone is interested in having a stall at the bazaar at a cost of €10 per table, please contact Cathi on 26 653132 or toffee@primehome.com.

We are in the process of trying to organise a carol concert and details will be provided on the website early in December. 
Council website:  www.talacommunity.com
Next Issue 14 February  2014     

To conclude, if I do not see you before the end of the year,  I hope you all have a good Christmas and I would also like to wish you a Happy New Year.      

Areti Pieridou

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