29 Ocak 2014 Çarşamba

Cookbook: Better Baking

I just realized I have had pictures of this cookbook floating around waiting to be posted! It is nice in a way (instant post!), but I get a little aggravated that they haven't made it to the blog yet.
 This little gem I picked up at our library sale. 
And look what I found tucked inside! A little treasure, four 1 cent stamps! And since they say "For Defense" they much be from the 40s. 
 Even though there are no photos or cute aprons pictured, the sketches along the edges are too cute.

Such interesting recipes, so many I would love to try.
 The names are delightful too! Who wouldn't want to have tea with Jelly Tuck-aways?

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

