13 Nisan 2014 Pazar

Tala Council Newsletter April 2014

After a very difficult couple of months, I am delighted to advise that SAPA finally agreed to freeze payments from Tala residents for the sewerage until the end of 2016.   Those of you who have received invoices, can therefore ignore these.

I was called to a subsequent meeting at SAPA when a number of people attempted to get this decision reversed [probably as Peyia have now applied to have their charges postponed for 12 months].  However, I am pleased to advise that sense prevailed and the decision to freeze charges for Tala until the end of 2016 applies.   The matter has now been referred to the Government for a decision as to what should happen at the end of 2016.
Anyone who has paid the SAPA invoice will, I am afraid, have to wait until the Government confirms one way or another what is going to happen to Tala – this is for legal reasons as the Department of Ministers has to approve rebates and they will not do this if there is any possibility that charges may still apply at some time.  This position has changed somewhat from what was originally advised unfortunately.
We still intend to attempt to get Tala excluded from the SAPA road-based sewerage system if at all possible.   Freezing the charges for Tala at least allows us more time to negotiate with the relevant departments.    
I had a good meeting with the Water Board in Nicosia.  They have advised that Tala has their full support and they wish to use Tala as a test case to show that the Government did not interpret the EU ruling correctly in respect of sewerage.  The Water Board will be in Tala during the next few weeks and it will be interesting to see where their findings take us!
Following the resignation of Andreas, the vacancy created has been advertised and the position filled.   The successful candidate was Yiota so please allow her a little time to find her feet and get used to addresses.  
For those with an election in the European elections, a list of the candidates standing for Cyprus can be found on http://europedecides.eu/candidates/election-lists/cy/
Cyprus will have 6 MEPs.
I am sorry to report that we have had more graffiti on the walls around the amphitheatre.   As a result security cameras have been installed and photographic evidence of the offenders will be handed over to the Police. 
There has also been a report of vandals throwing lemons, water bombs and some stones at motorists passing the school.   Despite efforts, we have been unable to trace the offenders.  
We have also had a report of vandalism to cars parked overnight at the car park behind the square, and theft of wing mirrors from a vehicle parked on a house driveway.  
We are investigating additional security measures  for various locations around the village, but I ask that everyone remain vigilant and if they see anything suspicious, to please take a description of the offenders and advise the Police.
The Council receives a lot of complaints about dogs – whether it be regarding the noise that they make, fouling or wandering the streets.  As the Police appear not to be interested, a  decision has been made by the Council to write to all owners about whom complaints have been received.   If there is no improvement after the warning letter, legal action will be taken against the owners. 
If you are affected by problems, please either write into the council or email Cathi on toffee@primehome.com.  Please state the nature of the complaint and the full address of the offending owner.
Following on from my last update, the Electricity Board have been asked to tie back the poles again as they are leaning away from the concrete structure.   I appreciate that everyone still has concerns about these buildings, but the District Office is monitoring the situation on a regular basis.
The Council has approved the building of a nature path which will go either from the back of the old car park, or from the bend adjacent to the collapsing houses.   The path will lead up to the monastery.   EU funding is being applied for for this project.
Progress in respect of the above is very slow.   To give you some background, the new church was built on land belonging to the Education Ministry.   An agreement was reached with the previous council and the Church, that the Education Ministry would be given a plot of land of 6.5 donums, this land abutting church land of the same size.   The Church have offered to lease this 6.5 donum piece of land to the Council to build a cemetery, however, whilst the lease is for 99 years, there is a clause that if the cemetery is not built within 5 years, the Church will take the land back.  
We have a long way to go before the necessary permissions and permits are obtained and, unfortunately, work cannot proceed until all these are in place.
I am pleased to advise that the preliminary permit for reformation of the square has been obtained.  We now, therefore, have what is called a ‘mature project’ and we will be applying for European funding.  

Some of you will be aware that we had another fire at the site and this has led to further complaints from those living in the area.   As a result, anyone who has garden waste to dispose of should please phone the council or call into the council office, and arrangements will be made to open up the site for them. 
Slow progress is being made in respect of the new system.   We are, therefore, considering bringing in unemployed university graduates who are available under a new Government incentive to help young qualified people gain experience in the workplace.   Under this incentive, the Government pays their salary for a 6 month period and it is felt that their input will ensure that the project is completed as they gain valuable work experience.
Following the launch of the new website [www.thevillagexpress.com – click on Union Jack and type in Tala for the relevant information] we realised that the site did not suit all the requirements of  Tala given the diversity of events and information we provide.
So, in addition to the website, we now have a blog site – talanews.blogspot.com.  On this site you will find details of all the events, past and present, and the newsletters.    In addition, you can now subscribe if you wish to be notified of events and when the newsletter is available.   Simply log onto the blog and at the right hand side of the screen you will see ‘Follow by email’.  Simply type in your email address and press submit and you will be notified when anything new is added to the blog.
It is hoped that by providing both sites, all our needs in the foreseeable future can be handled. 
We are also investigating whether we can simplify ticket booking for events at the amphitheatre.   If this can be done via the blog site, you will be advised, but in the meantime, please notify Cathi if you wish to reserve tickets for collection on the door.
Just a reminder for those on Tala water that meter readings were carried out at the end of March and you can now call into the office to pay your latest bill.   Paper bills will not be issued until after the June readings.
A number of people have spoken to me to ask if the hall, museum and library are to be named as it is felt that ‘the hall underneath the new church’ does not convey the correct image, even if it does make clear where the venue is!   As the premises are the property of the Archbishop, I have raised this issue with him and await his advices.  
The National Crime Agency continue to pursue criminals thought to be on the island of Cyprus.   The current list of wanted offenders is shown on http://www.nationalcrimeagency.gov.uk/news/356-second-operation-zygos-campaign-hunts-criminals-in-cyprus  and there is an appeal for everyone to keep a look out and notify the agency if they see any of those listed.

These are being finalized and a list will appear on the website and blogsite shortly.
25 April - Tony Lee as Roy Orbison, including the greatest hits of the 60’s by Gene Pitney and others at Vatouthkia – [Kendall & Morrelli].  Only a few tickets remain for this event.
10 May - A ShowDance featuring Melissa Williams, Davey Woodford and host Bob Clarkson at Vatouthkia
15 May - Tom Jones tribute at Vatouthkia – [Kendall & Morrelli]
24 May - State of Quo [music of Status Quo] – at the Amphitheatre – tickets will be available shortly.
25 May – Kamares Festival – 10am to 5pm at Kamares Club
6 & 8 June - Mercury & May – the Ultimate Queen tribute – at the Amphitheatre.  Tickets available shortly.
14 June – Ian G With Strings Attached – octet playing popular music – at the Amphitheatre.  Tickets available shortly.
18 June – Barrie Rowe – from Glen Miller to Motown – at the Amphitheatre.  Tickets available shortly.
20 & 22 June – Rod Stewart tribute – back at the Amphitheatre by popular demand.  Tickets available shortly.
25 June – Music school exhibition – classical Greek music.  Tickets available shortly.
Coming up: 
Bee Gees tribute – [11th and 14th July at the Amphitheatre]
Greek theatre [18 July at the Amphitheatre]
Roxy Music/Bryan Ferry tribute direct from the UK,  together with Karen Kendall Covers [26 July at the Amphitheatre] 
Greek music and dance by Aenaon – [3 August at the Amphitheatre]
Simon & Garfunkel  tribute [8th  August at the Amphitheatre]
Papageorghiou String Quartet putting a classical spin on modern music [29th August at the Amphitheatre]
Artemis – Greek music [31 August at the Amphitheatre]
Sister Act and Supremes Motown Magic direct from the UK [7th September at the Amphitheatre]
Jersey Boys – back at the amphitheatre by popular demand [19th, 24thand 27th September]
Engelbert Humperdinck at Vatouthkia – 24th October [Kendall & Morrelli]
The Rat Pack makes a return – Vatouthkia  - 28thNovember [Kendall & Morrelli]

Vatouthkia events – booking direct with Vatouthkia [99 459163, or 99 751007], or via Derek on derekincyprus@gmail.com
Kendall & Morrelli shows – tickets, including international buffet, available from Vatouthkia, SoEasy Kiosk in Tala, via Cathi on toffee@primehome.com, or on 96818066
Amphitheatre shows – tickets can be pre-booked with Cathi on toffee@primehome.com
For art lovers, Maria Etheridge, a Tala resident, is holding an inaugural exhibition from Thursday 8th May [starting at 7pm] until the 22ndMay.   This will be held at Zante Restaurant  just 8 kilometres outside Limassol on the Troodos road.   To make the first exhibition something special and different, it will be entitled “Wish you were here” and will feature only postcard art – each piece of art conforming to a specific size. However, such an apparent limitation will not hamstring the artists as they can use any medium they want and let their imagination run riot. It will be fascinating to see what will be on display. 
                If you wish to join this merry band of creators, please contact Maria Etheridge by email on saxons@cytanet.com.cy and she will supply you with the necessary information – visit the website at www.art-en-route-cyprus.com  and read all about it on the blog at www.sasonsblog.wordpress.com
Next newsletter 15 June

Areti Pieridou

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