23 Mayıs 2014 Cuma

Banana Wars

Banana Wars (1898–1934):
It’s a series of wars conducted by the United States of America to control the neighboring countries to preserve the American commercial interest in these regions also strengthen the central American power in this region. During this war Spain signed “The Treaty of Paris” and give up its controlled Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to United States. Later, they occupied Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic by using military forces.

Banana Massacre: In 1928, the United Fruit Company went against the union workers with the help of Columbian military they massacred and killed merely 2,000 workers.

Part of Banana Wars:
  • Nicaragua (1912–1933)
  • Haiti (1915–1934)
  • Dominican Republic (1916–1924)

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