23 Mayıs 2014 Cuma

View out my window

Hello Friends! We made it!! My brother got married, I have a new sister-in-law, we had a wonderful visit with the Cousins and all crisis' were diverted! Whew, what a week! I just wanted to let you all know I am back and looking forward to catching you up with our last minute house improvements. 
This the view out my window. I took this last night, it is unbelievable how green green green everything is!
 Same view taken just about three weeks ago. You can just see the little leaves appearing. 
Spring is Amazing!!

Looking out my window to the right. The pink haze in the background is a  flowering crab apple tree. 

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend! On the schedule is a little gardening, I can't wait!

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

