3 Temmuz 2014 Perşembe

Life is just a bowl of Cherries!

 I always associate the month of July with Cherries. Probably because that is when they are in season and because one of my favorite July 4th memories involve cherries. 
One July 4th on our way home from up north, we happened to drive through downtown Milwaukee at the perfect time. We could see along the shoreline about five different locations lighting off fireworks.  I remember oh-ing and ah-ing over the fireworks while munching on cherries. The best way to see fireworks, no noise and the perfect view!
 For my birthday this year Mandy bought me a cherry pitter.  (For more info and where to buy.) I was so anxious to try it out! I have been waiting months and months for cherry season to arrive. Finally it is here!
The pitter has prongs that push through the cherry and pop the pit out the other side. It is very easy to use and though it splatters a bit, it is a lot cleaner then doing it with a knife. So far we have been eating them as fast as we pit them. But eventually I am sure I will get around to making a cherry something. 
 (I got a little carried away with pictures as I discovered the sequence setting, my new favorite!)

We have discovered that pitted cherries get eaten twice as fast un-pitted cherries!

Do you have a favorite memory involving cherries?

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