16 Eylül 2014 Salı

What Shall I Cook Today? 124 thrifty, healthful tested recipes from Spry

 Here is the Spry Shortening cookbook I mentioned last week. Even though it doesn't have a copyright date, the illustrations shout 1930s! Aren't the comics darling? The thrifty, healthful line makes me laugh!
 I have always wanted to try apple fritter, I will have to remember this recipe.
 Of course, they couldn't have a shortening cookbook without talking about Pies!
 I like how they have included illustrated guides. Sometimes these are very helpful as cakes in vintage cookbooks usually aren't the dump-everything-in-a-bowel-and-mix variety. 
The recipe for Spry Pan-coat looks interesting. I haven't thought about mixing the flour and shortening together.

 Don't you love the recipe titles? Arabian Dessert Cake and Apple Upside Down Cake? 
Of course the reason I bought this booklet was the comics on the front and back, too cute!

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

