6 Kasım 2014 Perşembe

Apple Upside Down Cake

When I posted about the Spry Shortening cookbook awhile back, this recipe caught my eye. We had also just recently acquired a cast iron skillet. I was surprised how the cake turned out, instead of having the same texture as a traditional upside down cake, it was feather light and melted in your mouth. 

The apples tend to cook down quite a bit so the second time (Yes, it was so good, I made a second cake!) I used more apples. 
 The cake batter is very fluffy and soft. 
Even though the recipe doesn't call for a cast iron pan, it worked out really nice. If you want to be fancy, you could turn the cake out onto a platter. 

With the weather typical gray November, Apple Upside-Down Cake is the perfect comfort food!

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