11 Kasım 2014 Salı


Since I have been doing genealogy the last couple of weeks, I thought it would be a fitting post to share a veteran in my family history. Our family like most, is full of veterans, men who have fought and served through all of this country's battles. Recently, I have been researching a Civil War veteran. We have our fair share of Civil War soldiers on the family tree, but this one is special, we have a picture of him!

His name is David Miller. He was born in 1833 to a War of 1812 veteran in Pennsylvania. For some time he has been quite a mystery. I have finally discovered his parents and grandparents names, which I am very excited about! I don't have a lot of other information on him though. He did return from the war, but died not too long after. He was a farmer, working land he inherited from his father. He had five children that lived their whole lives in the same area

This year is the 100th anniversary of WWI. It was very touching to see the memorial at the Tower of London that Hope & Wander posted about.

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

