23 Aralık 2014 Salı

Poppa Santa Claus (Book Nook)

Time to head upstairs for the tour! First stop, the piano window on the stairs, where we hung more ornaments.

This years theme in the book nook is Vintage Christmas Cards. I guess I am starting a collection! A few were gifts last year, a few from the year before, some I found in an antique store this fall.

And these little cuties are actually Christmas seals. They have old fashioned lick-and-stick on the back. These were used before cellophane tape was widely available to seal packages and cards. 

 My favorite seal. Since the theme seemed to be cards, I thought it would an easy and great way to display them by making the seals into mini cards.
 This card is one of the newest finds. Love the bells!

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

