17 Şubat 2015 Salı

TALA NEWSLETTER - February 2015

Tala newsletter                 February 2015   
An amount of €31,500 has been received to date [against the budgeted sum of €42,000].  Preliminary planning permission has now been received and this means that in the near future we will be in a position to proceed.   The cemetery will be constructed in stages with the first stage being the construction of a limited number of graves with access to these.  At this stage, it is anticipated that the cemetery tax of €20 per household will be charged again in 2015 with the money received funding the provision of the carpark at the cemetery.
With regard to those who have refused to pay this tax, the view of the District Office is that everyone is liable to pay such a tax, regardless of any other arrangement or preferences they may have for burial/cremation.   However, as it is recognised that to pursue payment of this tax would not be cost-efficient, as a Council we have agreed that those who have not paid the cemetery tax [or anyone who subsequently purchases their property] will not be eligible to a burial plot in Tala at the standard rate [currently €850].      
This tax is payable to Tala Council every year, once you have your title deeds.  Only a small tax is payable and for this reason reminders have not been issued.  However, from this year it is intended to include the tax on the computer system and invoices will be issued.
A large number of people have not paid this tax as they were unaware of its existence and, as a result, what was originally a very small amount, is now increasing.   To avoid penalties, could you please ensure you call into the office to settle your account.
To encourage recycling, comply with EU requirements, and reduce the rubbish going into the landfill sites,  the refuse collectors will pick up domestic waste and only small quantities of garden waste.   As a result, the Council will provide a limited service for garden waste.
From the first Monday of the month, the Council will undertake to collect garden waste from householders once a month.   The schedule for collections will be:

Monday – Kamares
Tuesday – Stephanie/Lofos [ie area north of Miltiadi Stylianou]
Wednesday – Melisovounos and the Monastery area
Thursday – Village and the triangle south of the village [ie south of Miltiadi Stylianou] leading to Kissonerga and Emba
Garden refuse bags are available from the council office at €1 a bag, or €20 for a roll of 20.   Such bags left out by households will be collected by the council as part of the above uplift without additional charge.
If non-council refuse bags containing garden waste are left out, it will be necessary to phone the office [26 652412], speak to the Secretary to advise that you need a collection and a charge will be made depending on the volume.
For large volumes of cuttings which are loose and not bagged, please call the office, speak to the Secretary, and again collection will be arranged with a charge levied depending on the quantity.
Payment for such collections should be made at the Council office.
If anyone does not wish to use the service offered by the Council, there are private companies who will arrange collection or skips can be hired.
We all wish to see Tala kept clean and tidy and do not wish to see green areas, empty plots and ravines used as dumping grounds.  Please report anyone seen dumping rubbish to the council secretary and they will be fined.
If you use gardeners, please ensure that they dispose of garden waste correctly.  The majority do and work well with the council, but there are odd individuals and companies who do not behave responsibly unfortunately.   The service outlined above is for individual homeowners and not gardening companies or private gardeners - they should please come to the council offices and come to a separate agreement with the council secretary.
I am pleased to advise that the building permits have been issued for refurbishment of the square and we are now waiting to hear if EU funding will be available.   We should hear further by the middle of this year. 
In the event that your refuse is not collected, could you please email the council office with a note of your name, address, date of non-collection and details of what has not been collected, eg 2 bags household waste, 1 bag garden waste, etc.    The email address at the council office is kstala@cytanet.com.cy  .       
We receive a lot of complaints about overflowing green refuse bins around the village.   Unfortunately, in many cases, the bins are overflowing due to dumping of builders and garden waste which means that there is little or no room for household waste.  We have gradually been replacing any damaged green bins, and also moving the recycling bins to locations where they do not create an eyesore, and now we are moving any green bins away from the main roads in the village.  
Some green bins were only being used by a small number of householders and we would, therefore,  respectfully ask that if your green bin has been removed, you deposit your household waste in another bin, or you have a dustbin on your premises and put this outside your property [or the rubbish bagged up] for the refuse men to collect. 
I mentioned a few months ago that Tala  Council has lost approximately €500,000 income each year in the last few years due to lack of building permits in view of the financial crisis.
For your information the total income for the council, ie for rates, water, refuse tax, permits, Government grants, etc is €1,228,500.
Projects – at various stages:
Reformation of Tala Square – we have estimated €150,000 as Tala Council’s 10% contribution assuming EU funding is forthcoming.   Initially, work will be done in the next few months in respect of replacing the public toilets behind the old church and moving the statue from the square.  
Multi-cultural centre – we have a budget of €80,000 in the 2016 budget as Tala Council’s 10% contribution – again assuming EU funding is forthcoming.
Ayia Saranta church – the area around the church is to be paved and the trees tidied up.  Estimated cost €20,000
Roads and drainage works:
Regarding improvements to the roads in and around Tala  and drainage repairs/installations required, we have submitted the following schedule and are awaiting confirmation that it has been accepted from the authorities:
Christou Keli from Ay Saranta towards Kissonerga – ditch repairs and road marking
Kapnismaton Street – abrasion and resurface
Ioanni Prodromou – abrasion and resurface
Nikolaou Achilleos - asphalting
Elias Street – abrasion and resurface
Road crossing Apis Ravine – storm drain
Junction of St Neophytos and Kosti Palama – storm drain
Nature trail at Prodromos area – diversion of water
Total estimated cost of such works is €66,600 against a budget of €45,000.
I had a very good meeting with the Minister of the Interior, Mr Hassikos, just before Christmas.   He has agreed that Tala and Peyia are excluded from the mains sewerage project for the next 10 years which means that no sewerage fees will be payable for at least 5 years.   
He also advised that for Tala he will ask that the project be reviewed as, if the installation will be difficult, may not function, and the costs would be excessive, then Tala will be removed from the mains sewerage project completely.     I have no time scale for such a review but will continue to press for our exclusion.
With regard to those who have had to pay the sewerage tax to allow sale or purchase of property, Mr Hassikos has instructed SAPA to refund payments received as soon as possible.   I would, therefore, suggest that if you are awaiting a refund you pursue SAPA to obtain this.  
We also need to collate a list of premises which have a biological sewerage system for their house or apartment.   Could those who do please email Cathi on toffee@primehome.com with details of the full address and whatever information you can supply regarding the system installed.
The  Council receives more complaints about dogs than anything else.   Two of the most common complaints are dogs wandering free, and also dog fouling.   If you have a dog, please ensure that it is only allowed out of your premises on a lead and that you pick up after your dog.   We will now be fining those who have ignored warning letters.
Barking is another area of concern to residents.   If any owner has a problem with their dog barking, please contact Cathi [toffee@primehome.com] and she will put you in touch with a lady who offers a service to remedy this. 
By law, Tala should have their own collection point for stray dogs.  However, in view of the excessive costs of running this, Tala has reached an agreement with Paphiakos Animal Welfare whereby for a set fee per animal, they will collect stray dogs from Tala.   Any strays will then be checked to see if they have a chip [and, if they do, attempts made to trace the owner], the stray will receive whatever medication or medical treatment may be required and they will be kept to allow time for the owners to come forward.   The dog will then be available for homing from the Paphiakos kennels. Regarding strays, please contact either the Council office or Cathi to arrange collection.  Please do not contact Paphiakos direct as they will simply tell you that they are full. 
We are also aware that there are a large number of dogs in Tala which are unchipped and unlicensed.   For a limited period of time, Tala Council have come to an agreement with Paphiakos whereby they will come up to Tala on specific dates so that dogs can be chipped and licensed at Tala Council Office for the special fee of €26.00 [ie €5.50 for the chip and €20.50 for the dog licence for 12 months].    To take advantage of this offer, please contact the Council office who will take your details and contact you with a time and date when you should bring your dog to the office for chipping/licensing.
From 1st May, any dogs found on the street will automatically be taken to Paphiakos.  If you wish then to retrieve your dog, you will have to pay the charges imposed by Paphiakos plus the appropriate [non-subsidised] fee for chipping and licensing.
Could everyone please be vigilant.   After reports of two boys carol singing, selling raffle tickets, or diaries around Kamares and other areas of Tala, we have also heard that bin house doors on some streets  are being propped open using stones or advertising literature.   Please watch out for suspect behaviour and report incidents to the Police.  Please also keep Cathi advised and she will email round so that everyone is aware.  Could you please ensure that if you do suffer a break-in or theft at your property [however minor] that you contact the Police.
SKE [Welfare Centre]
Please note that membership subscriptions expired at 31 December 2014 and that payment for renewal should now be made at SKE.   Fees are unaltered, ie €20 for a single person and €30 for a couple.   Membership entitles members to a free coffee or tea and snack each day that the centre is open, participation in any events at the centre, and participation at reduced rates for any trips organised.
Lessons are now available either in Tala, or at Kouklia Art & Craft Centre on a Monday afternoon.  The lessons cost €25 for two hours of one to one tuition, or, if you can share the lesson with someone who is at the same level of skill as yourself, the cost is €15 each for two hours tuition.
Further information is available on www.talanews.blogspot.com, or please call 96725782.
WHAT’S ON [At the Church Hall, unless shown otherwise]
27     Blood doning – SKE[Welfare Centre] 5pm to 8pm
13           Roy Orbison v Gene Pitney tribute from UK – tickets now available at the Kiosk in                              Tala
29           Easter bazaar at SKE [Welfare Centre] 9.30 to 1pm.

3             Romeo Smilkov classical piano concert .  Tickets €10.  Details on                                                         www.talanews.blogspot.com
16           Paphos Voices – Stainers Crucifixion and Vivaldi’s Gloria – details available shortly
18           Tina Chester  & Teodoro DeCastillo – details available shortly
24           Neil Diamond tribute from the UK – tickets now available at the Kiosk in Tala

15           George Michael tribute from the UK – tickets now available at the Kiosk in Tala

Coming up over the summer months at the Amphitheatre:

29 May                          Starlight Dance Party
7 June                            Vox Beatles from the UK
19 & 21 June                 Hollies tribute from the UK
18 July                           Jersey Boys from the UK
11 & 13 Sept                 Fleetwood Mac tribute from the UK
25  & 27 Sept                Bee Gees from the UK

Early bird tickets are available at the Visteria [formerly SoEasy] Kiosk for Vox Beatles, Hollies and Fleetwood Mac – these offer a saving on the normal ticket price – but the number of early bird tickets is limited so once they are sold, no more will be issued.

Tickets for Tala Church Hall, Tala Amphitheatre and  some of the Vatouthkia events are available at  the Visteria [formerly SoEasy] Kiosk in Tala.  Tickets can also be purchased at Vatouthkia for events there.   For most shows, tickets can be reserved on www.talanews.blogspot.com.

Please also see www.talanews.blogspot.comregarding other events in the Paphos and Tala area which may be of interest.

Next issue 20 April                   

Areti Pieridou

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