19 Mart 2015 Perşembe

Spring Projects- Last year and this year

Last years first Snowdrop
Spring is officially on it's way! One Snowdrop has bravely poked it's way up! I think we might be getting spring a bit early this year as last year they came up around the 21st. I am also glad to say the snow is completely gone as of last weekend! But last year it was still lingering by the end of March.

I was looking back and it was last March we got our first shelf for the book nook. Looks like we have added a few more books since then! I am so glad I figured out a way to use this space, it works perfectly for our book collection.

Last year I also finished my Ticker Tape quilt.

Worked on my Hexagon quilt(which is still not finished!)

And shared a pattern for the Hazel apron.

I am not sure what it is about this time of year, but the way the sunlight streams into the house is amazing! Love it! 
So with the days getting longer bit by bit and the weather trying it hardest to warm up, I am tallying up my to do list! There are windows to re-glaze and paint, flowers beds to re-arrange, furniture to work on, doors to trim, the back patio to spruce up......
 We have already planted seeds for the garden and containers. All that winter dreaming has paid off! We have plans and are ready to go to work!

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

