21 Mayıs 2015 Perşembe

Old Fashioned Lily-of-the-Valley

In our neighborhood in seems like every house has lily of the valley growing in the flower beds or garden. My house isn't any different!

When I purchased my home there was this large patch already happily established along the east side of the house. I have a suspicion they have been here a long long time, but I don't mind. There is something sweetly old fashioned about the flowers.
If you have ever grown lily-of-the-valley or tried to pull it up, you will have discovered it is a rather tenacious plant. It spreads quite well and doesn't seem to mind where it pops up.
I decided it would be a fierce and long battle to try and get rid of them and it was best to let them stay. Another charming feature of an old house!

In the language of flowers Lily-of-the-valley means "return to happiness". Very fitting for a house, I think.

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