12 Ağustos 2015 Çarşamba

Asters (and the Jungle Garden)

I don't know about you, but this summer has gone by too fast! It has been full of family visiting, projects (garage painting and windows), and  few lazy days. Something about August makes one lazy, ready to flake out on the sofa with a good book. 
Already we have noticed little signs summer is drawing to a close; acorns beginning to fall, asters in bloom, spider webs (anyone else notice how many there are this year?), the angle of the sun, cicadas singing.....

 Aren't gardens amazing? I love to look back and see how much they have grown. This was taken just after planting, May 29th.

 Such tiny little sprigs!

 Now it is starting to go places, June 27th.

 And here is was almost a month ago, July 15th.

 Just a few days later the cucumbers were over the top of the supports (which are about 3' high) July 21st.

And here is the jungle now! Taken yesterday  Aug. 11th.

The beans have gone a bit wild and the cucumbers are doing great!

Another sign summer is almost over, gladioli are blooming!

Enjoy the last bits of summer Friends!

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