9 Kasım 2015 Pazartesi

TALA NEWSLETTER - November 2015 Issue

Tala newsletter                                                              November 2015   

IMMOVABLE PROPERTY TAX 2015  - Payable to the Tax Authorities in 
 Just a reminder that this tax should be paid to the authorities by 30 November to qualify for the discounts. 
Payment can be made via Jccsmart,  at any Cypriot bank or direct at the tax office [although if you pay at 
the tax office you will not qualify for the additional 2.5% discount].

IMMOVABLE PROPERTY TAX – LOCAL – Payable to Tala Council
This tax will be payable, as in previous years, to Tala Council.   This local tax is payable once you have your
title deeds.   Demand notices are not issued and it is the responsibility of every property owner to settle 
their accounts. Please note that payment must be made before 18th December to avoid payment of a 25%
penalty.   Those who, through choice or necessity, have yet to have their house value included on their 
title deeds, only pay on the value of the land they hold title to.

If you have only acquired your title deeds this year, please take your title deeds into the Council office when 
you go to pay this tax.

I can now advise that the cemetery is  available for use and plots will be at the price of €850, or €900 if a double plot [ie with deeper depth to cater for two bodies] is required.   As notified in the last newsletter, plots are available for pre-purchase at the price of €750, or €800 for a double plot.    Plots numbered 72-99 will be the first batch of plots released.   A plan of the cemetery is on www.talanews.blogspot.com under New Cemetery Plan, News.

The plot price for those who have not paid the cemetery tax, or for those who are non-Tala residents, will be €2,000.

I recently had a meeting with the Minister of the Interior and raised the subject of EU funding for this mature [ie all permits obtained] project.  We are ready to start work on the first phase of the works [which will be funded by Tala Council as their share of the project cost] but I wish to ensure that the balance of the funding will be available so that the project can be concluded.   I have been promised a prompt response.

Due to the fly tipping which has taken place at the Stephanie recycling area, and following complaints from the owner of the plot adjacent to the bins, the recycling units have been moved in part to the car park at Tala Monastery Cats and the balance alongside the approach road to the Monastery.

Regarding those who continue to dump garden and other rubbish around the village, please note that the Council is now fining those caught.  If you see anyone fly tipping please advise their registration number and location of tipping to either the council office or to Cathi on toffee@primehome.com.  If possible a photograph of the vehicle and/or items dumped would be appreciated.

The Government operated site for garden waste recycling  [Green Point] is  now open at  Akoursos, in an old quarry on the left hand side of the road to Akoursos village.   No charge is made for using the site.  However, it is only open on the following days:
Monday                                   0800 – 1800
Wednesday                              0800-1800
Friday                                      0800-1800
Saturday                                  0900-1500
Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday           CLOSED

Options for garden waste:
1                    Branches, palm leaves and tree cuttings - Taken by the householder to the free site above or the new site mentioned under Item 6 below where a charge will be levied.
2                    Collection of up to 2 bags of garden waste [excluding branches, palm leaves and tree cuttings] by the refuse collectors.   Note, however, that priority will be given to household rubbish and garden waste may not always be taken if refuse levels are higher than usual.
3                    Purchase orange Tala Council bags at the Council office if heavy duty bags are needed.   They should then be left out for the refuse collectors who will remove up to 2 bags at a time, or taken to one of the private sites, or collection arranged by Andreas.  Any blue Tala Council bags which you already have should be disposed of in the same way.
4                    Take any bags to the private garden waste centre in Tala [Andreas] – a charge will be made of  €1 for the first bag, and €0.50 for each additional bag.  The site is open Tuesday 0900-1200, and Saturday 0900-1200 and 1400-1600].  However, if you phone Andreas beforehand, arrangements can be made to open up outside of these times, if required.
5                    Arrange for collection by the above private garden waste collector – the charge will depend on the volume/vehicle required.    
Please also bear in mind that the private garden waste collector will pick up domestic appliances free of charge.  There is a drop off fee for wooden furniture items, and home pick-up is offered for a supplementary charge.  

6  A new garden waste site has opened on the site of the former Tala Council site on the Kissonerga road, operated by NIPA Enterprises Ltd.  This is a processing and collection site for garden waste only and no home collection service is available.   This site will be open:
Monday – Friday                                              0800 to 1600
Saturday                                              0800 to 1200 and 1400 to 1600

Large trucks over 7.5 gross tons                                                          €25
Vans and trucks up to 7.5 gross tons and skips                                    €15
Small trucks or single cabin pick up trucks up to 3.5 gross tons            €10
Double cabin pick up trucks                                                                €5
Saloon cars                                                                                         €3

Private garden waste collector offering home collection – Andreas 99 327262
New garden waste site – NIPA Enterprises – Panayiotis 99 647883

Please note that the gentleman who looks after vermin protection for the Council, has recently installed more blue pipes around the village, many of these at ground level and therefore more visible.   The chemicals used are pet friendly. 

Please note that the café has now moved to winter hours and will be open Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 6pm.   The café is closed on a Monday .   They are serving teas and coffees, drinks and cocktails and light meals.  For any information please contact Penny on 99769719 or Robert on 99064355.  There are fantastic views from the café and some spectacular sunsets to be seen.

Those of you who have dog licences are reminded that renewal of licences is now due and payment should be made at the council office.

Those who do not have licences are reminded of the need to have a medical book and licence for each dog that you own.  Each animal should also be chipped.     Further, please ensure that you pick up after your dog, do not allow any dog to roam off a lead, and ensure a nuisance is not created to your neighbours by barking dogs.

For those owners who have yet to chip their dogs and obtain a medical book, we have an offer from Paphiakos that they will come up to Tala and chip/provide the medical book for a very reasonable fee.   However, a minimum number of 5 dogs is needed to make a visit worthwhile.  If you wish to avail yourself of this service, please either call into the council office or email Cathi on toffee@primehome.com.  Your details will be taken and once there is sufficient interest, you will be informed when Paphiakos will be in Tala.

At my recent meeting with the Minister of the Interior, Mr Hasikos, the question of water supply was also raised.  By law, no private individual or company is allowed to supply water.   Tala Council expects to take over supply of the water from the Monastery and Leptos in Tala from around the 1st January 2016.   Negotiations are still underway and further information will be circulated once available.

This topic was also raised with the Minister of the Interior.  The project is not yet mature as some permits are outstanding but the build will be submitted for funding in 2016.

I have also raised my dissatisfaction with the Minister regarding the fact that the Government allowance for Tala during the last couple of years has been reduced from €115,000 to €80,000.   After anti-flooding works, minor asphalt repairs and the like, there is no margin for any other works to be carried out.     This reduction, coupled with the loss of building permit fees and the like, means that the income for Tala Council over the last 4 years, is around €500,000 per year less than it was.  Coupled with this, the Council is under pressure from the authorities and Troika to reduce costs.

Just a reminder that if you go onto www.talanews.blogspot.com, and scroll down using the bar at the side of the screen, at the bottom of the page, in the centre, you will find Categories.  If you click on Useful Telephone Numbers you will find a listing covering the emergency services, Tala businesses, Tala council members, local fire numbers to call, etc.  

At the recent Kamares AGM I promised that I would be available, if required, for a coffee and a chat.    Please note that I will be available at the Welfare Centre [next door to the Post Office] for a chat on:
Monday 16 November                         10am to 12noon
Monday 30 November                         10am to 12noon
Monday 7 December                           10am to 12noon
Monday 18 January                             10am to 12noon
Monday 1 February                             10am to 12noon
Monday 15 February                           10am to 12noon
Monday 29 February                           10am to 12noon

14                 Christmas Bazaar at the Kamares Club – 10am to 4pm
14                 Gloriana a tribute to two Elizabeths at Stage One, Emba
21                 Pick up Litter day – volunteers required to help in Tala – please contact Cathi on                             toffee@primehome.com
29                 The Sleeping Beauty – pantomime at Stage One Theatre, Emba – matinee         
1-5                The Sleeping Beauty – pantomime at Stage One Theatre, Emba
5                    Pick of the Pops Christmas Party at Vatouthkia Restaurant
6                   Christmas Bazaar at Tala School [9.30 to 1300].  Tables available at €5 – to book                           please  contact either Cathi on toffee@primehome.com or Maro in Tala Council 
11                 Starry Nights Christmas Party at Kamares Club – booking essential
13                 Cyprus Symphony Orchestra at Tala Church Hall – doors 4pm, concert at 5pm. €5 or                       €3 for under 12’s – payable on the door.
 16                Carols on the Stairs with the Orphean Singers– Kamares Club
31                 Kamares New Years Eve Party – booking essential

Details of the above can be found on www.talanews.blogspot.com as information is released.

Events at Kamares Club must be booked direct with the Club.
Events at Vatouthkia – tickets available from Vatouthkia, in some cases at Visteria Kiosk in Tala, or otherwise on 96 818066 or 99 751007

Next issue 20 February2016

I hope you all have a very enjoyable Christmas and enjoy a healthy and prosperous New Year.

Areti Pieridou

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