As part of Pafos 2017, the wall around the Tala Amphitheatre car park will be painted as a community project over the 15 and 16 April. In addition, the wall above the amphitheatre fronting onto the wall will be painted, as will the verandah wall at the Welfare Centre.
If you have old plastic buckets or containers [larger yoghurt containers from 300g size upwards, or margarine tubs] which can be used to mix paint and which can then be handled by volunteers of all ages could you please leave these [washed!], either at the Council office or the Welfare Centre by 10 April.
Further, the local schools are collecting plastic tops and lids [from milk, juice, fabric softener, detergent, etc] to raise money for a disabled boy in need of a wheelchair. Can you leave any plastic tops in the council office or at the welfare centre please. Kamares residents can leave these at Reception at the Clubhouse.
Thank you.