24 Mart 2016 Perşembe

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter friends! 
If you need a little green and springiness hop over to On Sutton Place for this lovely banner. It is a free printable and an easy DIY project. 

It adds such pretty bit of color! Just what we needed. There are a few signs of spring here and there, it is slowly arriving this year.

All of our snow melted over a month ago. but typical of Wisconsin the weather has been bouncing around. But that isn't stopping the daffodils!! I doubt we will have flowers for Easter (not when snow is predicted today!) but by mid April they should be in full bloom.

This little hyacinth hasn't let anything stop it! It was coming up in January! 

The strawberries are sending up new leaves and shoots. 

Welcome Spring!

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

