19 Nisan 2016 Salı

Daffodils and a Vintage Figurine Vase

At last we have daffodils! I have been waiting so long to use this lovely vase. The minute I brought it home this winter I was dreaming of how beautiful daffodils would look in it. 

They are as pretty as I was imagining!

 Isn't that a sweet face? I fell in love with her the moment I spotted her at an estate sale sitting there surrounded by kitchen clutter. And of course how could I not bring her home when the price tag was a dollar.....plus half off!!

I did a little research and I think she might have been made by the Weil Ware Pottery Co., though there isn't any markings or labels. Don't you think she looks very 1940's? 
(I think she needs a name. Does she look like a Helen?)

 The reason her price tag was so low is she has been glued back together again and there is quite a bit of crazing. But that doesn't matter to me! (She still holds water for the flowers!)

Happy Spring!

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