5 Nisan 2016 Salı

Is it Spring...or not?

Some crazy weather around here lately. We are kind of use to big fluctuation in temperature from day to day this time of year, but it has been crazier them normal!
The poor little daffodils are trying their best to bloom.

This is what we woke up to on Saturday morning. We even heard there was white out conditions up by the highway. So gloomy and snowy. With big wet fluffy flakes.

But there was still small signs of spring! Do you see the bit of green?

Kerri certainly thought it was great fun. The rest of us weren't too sure.
Strangely, by noon the sun was shining and all the snow was gone! You never would have known it was this wintry in the morning. 

(We are in Spring Cleaning mode here and happily the weather doesn't effect that! We might wish for warm sunshine to throw open the windows to, but the dust on the baseboards doesn't disappear any faster with sun)

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

