31 Ağustos 2016 Çarşamba

Vintage Reading - Emilie Loring

 You all know I love old things and books are certainly on the list! I love picking up a book with a copyright of 1923 and being transported back in time. The first thing I do before starting a book is check the copyright date so I can imagine the right setting! Whether it is 1919, 1932 or 1957, I conjure up all the little day to day details; shiny toasters, colorful linoleum floors and sparkling automobiles. My favorite details to imagine is fashion! And I must say, vintage books usually do a good job describing all the fashionable details. Evening dresses, traveling ensembles and everyday dresses spring to mind easily.

Currently I have been re-reading a favorite vintage author, Emilie Loring. My sister recently found two of her books I hadn't read and now that I have finished those I am re-reading several others! (Gay Courage is the only one I have with a beautiful vintage dust cover.)

Emilie Loring is always a fun read! From the very first sentence her heroines are on the go. Known for her strong female characters and story lines with a touch of mystery, the heroines always have a problem to solve and a difficulty to overcome. (All with gay courage, of course!)
(The rest of my collection is not so vintage paperback additions.)

I also just discovered a wonderful blog (HERE) all about Emilie Loring written by her biographer, Patti Bender. I could get lost there every day! I love all the little things she shares; background information on each book, Emilie Loring's favorite locations, recipes and quotes. It is like stepping into Emilie Loring's world! And stepping into the world of her books.......

What is your favorite "vintage" read? Have you tried Emilie Loring?

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

