"IN HACKED AUDIO, CLINTON RETHINKS AN OBAMA PLAN", The New York Times, Washington,D.C., September 30,2016)
At a February fundraiser, Candidate Clinton privately "expressed doubts" about our nation's moving forward with its 30 year trillion dollar creation of a new generation of World Destroying Nuclear Weapons and their computer-driven, highly complex, incredibly expensive delivery to target systems.
She also staked out a position (again, not on the record) against the proposed new Nuclear-Tipped Cruise Missile aka Long Range Stand Off missile, LRSO:
"The last thing we need are sophisticated cruise missiles that are nuclear armed."
As described in our numerous Posts here, the Times, too, describes a "modernization" program featuring "new factories, refurbished nuclear arms, and a new generation of weapon carriers, including bombers, missiles and submarines."
Andrew Weber, former high-ranking Defense official, called the new missile a "particularly destabilizing, dangerous type of nuclear weapon."
Clinton praised former Sec of Defense, William J Perry, for speaking out against the Nuclear Weapons threat, and in particular the LRSO, stating that the more he speaks out publicly "the better off we'll be in really trying to cut this off."
She also appeared to question the necessity for the Nuclear Modernization program: "This is going to be a big issue. There's a lot of money we're taking about to go into refurbishing and modernization."
Clinton also mentioned being open to exploring new Nuclear Weapons Treaties with Russia beyond 2010's New Start which she helped negotiate.
She continued: "Do we have to do any of it? If we have to do some of it,how much do we have to do? That's going to be a tough question...." and said that she would ask for the help of Mr.Weber and Mr. Perry to "help me answer that question."
This Blog's position is stark and steadfast. To answer Sec Clinton's question - WE SHOULD NOT BE DOING ANY OF IT!
Allow these aging, horrific, world-ending weapons to die a world-wide natural death in their Silos, Subs and Bombers. If that's not fast enough, (and it probably won't be) Dismantle Them. Start Now!
We partnered with Russia on this before and we can do it again.
This is our NUCLEAR WEAPONS RUBICON. Once we cross this singularly dangerous threshold, there is no going back. That trillion dollars and more will be in the hands of the Nuclear Weapons Industry and its multitude of contractors. Then it will be too late.
Like all of those Nuclear Missiles - once launched they cannot be called back....
William J Perry Website