"Mr. and Mrs. Nuclear War", The New York Times Sunday Book Review of The Cold War They Made by Ron Robin, reviewed by Philip Taubman.
Mr. Taubman is the author of the highly-praised The Partnership: Five Cold Warriors and Their Quest to Ban the Bomb.
Taubman calls Mr. Robin's book "a withering indictment of the Wohlstetters and their influence on defense policy."
The husband and wife RAND Corporation analysts championed the Cold War policy of MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) which still influences our Nuclear Posture and theory today.
Taubman notes: "White House or Kremlin miscalculation would have left millions dead, nations destroyed and the planet reeling."
WORSE, Albert Wohlstetter "pressed for a nuclear war-winning policy."
Yet, the POTUS often decried as a "war hawk", Ronald Reagan, warned:
"A Nuclear War cannot be won and must never be fought."
It is way beyond Halloween scary that our political and military leadership today are pushing for "modernization" of our already deadly, destructive Nuclear Arsenals and planning for their actual use in Nuclear war scenarios.
No Doomsday Doubts for them! While the rest of us continue to live with this threat of continuous Annihilation.
Both Russia and the US together have thousands of Nuclear Weapons on "hair-trigger alert" - Ready to Launch on Notice.
What Mr. Taubman calls "surreal madness."
In debate Candidate Clinton pointed out that the POTUS has only about 4 minutes to decide whether or not a Nuclear Attack is real and whether or not to launch the weapons that will destroy humanity, the world and all future generations. OMNICIDE and ABORTION on an unimaginable scale.
But Imagine IT and Face IT, we must. A necessary first step to stop IT from ever happening....
The alternative is to do Nothing... and hope that Nothing Happens Forever....
WE, THE PEOPLE, need to change this extremely dangerous situation.
START WORKING NOW from the Ground Up!
Know the four presidential candidates' positions. VOTE accordingly on November 8. Vote for yourselves and for your children and grandchildren. It may be our Present but it is their Future. We need to ensure that they will have one....
There are many Anti-Nuclear Weapons organizations that you can explore, join and/or donate to. SEE The Nuclear Abolitionist Blog for an extensive list of Links.
NYTS Book Review