30 Kasım 2016 Çarşamba

A New Door and an Old Door

 As I mentioned in my annual Anniversary Post, I got a new back door this fall! This was another exciting project as it has been on the To-Do-List since I bought the house.The old door was not doing a good job any longer. We had several rows of weather stripping around it, but it still was drafty and the door knob would frost up. 

But I wasn't ready to just throw it in the trash. Even though there was a hundred layers of paint on it and the whole door bows out it is part of the house's history. I love the wavy glass in the window, one of it's good points. It also was the perfect size for the kitchen door. So now I have a new back door and an old basement door! 

 We have already noticed a difference in temperature with the new door. And it closes like a dream!

 I special ordered the door with a window to match the rest of the house. Isn't is perfect?

We are also loving the new/old basement door! Since the basement is unheated and unfinished having a door here helps the kitchen to stay warmer and less drafty. It also makes it cozier!

I love how the old door "fills" this corner. It has always felt rather empty and bare. Now it has a bit of character!
(In case you are wondering, I still haven't quite decided what to do about the old dead bolt hole. I am hoping to find a decorative plate to cover it.)

Looking through the door into the cozy kitchen. Pardon the dishes........I guess I should have tidied a bit more before taking pictures!

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

