24 Kasım 2016 Perşembe

Thanksgiving from Good Housekeeping Nov. 1920

Need a little Thanksgiving inspiration? Let's take a look at the 1920 Good Housekeeping magazine. 
A few of the latest fashions so one could be up-to-date for the big feast. 
"Low-Waisted, High necked and Long sleeved for Daytime." 

"The holiday season brings with it its round of entertaining and mingled with the delight of home-comings and fond greetings come the hustle and bustle of preparations for the already busy housewife."
Mock Mince Pie? Sliced Pineapple Pie? Rhubarb Custard Pie? The recipe for Vegetarian Mince Pie Filling caught my eye, it has been on my list to try for awhile now. 

I could't ignore all the fabulous advertisement, gadgets and projects to make all the Thanksgiving preparations go smoother! 

Isn't this one fascinating?
Fannie Farmer was the mother of the modern recipe and what kitchen would be complete without her? (I think I have this edition too!)
If you would like to read the entire November issue, it can be found HERE (starting on page 233.) It is a fascinating glimpse into history as it was the first time women voted in a presidential election.

Wishing you all a lovely Thanksgiving!

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

