2 Şubat 2017 Perşembe


The other days as I traipsed quickly from the porch door to the front door, I had a sudden wave of homesickness......a longing for a place I use to visit......
the Front Porch!

A longing to be able to sit on the front porch and feel the warm breezes, to be able to curl up on the settee with a book, to be able to listen to the chirping of the birds while munching breakfast.

I thought a little tour of the porch was just what I needed! Want to come along?

It started as a blank slate - Sitting Pretty
Finally furnished like I dreamed - The Front Porch
Enjoying the porch more them I imagined - Pinwheels
All decked out for Christmas - I Heard the Bells
A bit of rearranging- A Bit of Yellow
Red, White and Blue - Happy 4th of July
Last spring and summer - A Sure Sign of Spring

(To view all the Front Porch posts, click here!)

It shouldn't be too long before we can Spring Clean the porch and enjoy sitting out there again! 

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