3 Mart 2017 Cuma


 My snowdrop bloomed this week. Between the new sidewalks, removing the walk along the house  making the flowers beds larger and getting moved several times, only one snowdrop made it! I will have to replenish. (maybe I need to also try crocus again?) This little guy is now along the east side of the house where my cutting garden is. The bulbs love the warm morning sun! 

  As you can see the daffodils really love the morning sun! I have been trying to encourage them to slow down.......

 As this also happened this week..... A spring snow!
I knew we would get a bit of snow once more, now hopefully we can move on to the business of Spring!

At least Kerri had fun with the snow! She is ready for a game of hide and seek!

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

