27 Nisan 2018 Cuma

Daffodil Time and Spring Cleaning the Porch

Finally our Daffodils are blooming!
They were just biding their time. As soon as the sun came out and the temps got a bit warmer, they popped right out. It seems like we have been waiting forever for them! (Last year they bloomed a week and a half earlier!) Last night I went out and cut a lovely bouquet.

I don't know if I have even shared a picture of the "cutting garden" on the east side of the house. Lots of green! The daffodils tend to grow leggy and fall over. But that is fine, it doesn't make me feel so bad about rescuing them and bringing them indoors!

I love this variety! Such a lovely creamy yellow. I don't remember what the name is though. These are the ones we transplanted from our old house.

This past weekend Mom and I spruced up the front porch and gave it a good spring cleaning. It didn't matter that it was cloudy and chilly, we were going to be ready!
(I am glad we did, as this week we have already been able to enjoy it!) 

 I added little tin pails to the hooks this year. I love how they look! The plan is to plant them full of flowers in a couple of weeks. For now, we have a couple of very fragrant hyacinths in them. 

I love that we can look out the front window and enjoy a very springy view!

The other side of porch was also part of the spruce up. I finally moved the table and bought a bench! The color I am not so sure of, but I love how much more inviting it looks. There are a few more things I would like to add to this side, so it is still a work in progress. Can't you just imagine a large pot over flowing with flowers next to it? I can!
How about you? Do you have a porch or deck that you can't wait to use?

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