5 Nisan 2018 Perşembe

Living Room Update

Have you been wondering what is going on with the Living Room Rearrange? At times I wondered too! It was back at the end of August (Read Here) that we moved Dad's desk to the basement. Suddenly we had another side of the room to use and decorate! I think the first month we just looked at it! There was so many possibilities and so many new things to try out! So we arranged and rearranged and rearranged again.
I knew three things. First, that we could always use more seating. When the family gets together someone ends up on the floor or pulling up one of the wooden chairs from the dining room table. Second, we had a big blank wall to cover. I was going to need something to hang there! Third, I wanted to paint the bookshelves and brighten up the space!

It has been a slow process. But I kept reminding myself there is nothing wrong with decorating slow!

The first thing I worked on was the bookcase. I actually got rid of the one that was in this corner, painted the one that was by the hall and put back in the corner. We tried a lot of different places, but in the end we liked the corner best. I love how much brighter it is! Even though it is not quite as big as the previous one, everything still fit!

I pulled together a couple of baskets we've had forever. They add warmth and hid smaller books and things. The wood pieces are a bit of a family joke. Years ago my brother brought them home, stuck them on the bookcase and said "some people would call that art". It has been there ever since!

This is one of our favorite views! Once the shelf was in place again, I turned my attention to the blank wall. We tired so many furniture arrangements and several different pieces. Nothing seemed to be right. We even tried the dark leather chairs together against the wall, but that left all the dark on one side and the light sofa on the other.

 I did decide I wanted a large piece of art on the wall and found this canvas of Monet's "Artist's Garden" online. I love all the flower colors! I also found the little side table at an antique shop and was just pondering what color to paint it, when it was decided the book nook chair should be brought downstairs. It was love at first sight! Don't you love when suddenly it all comes together!

Of course I had to get art that featured a house!
The final item we needed was a table lamp. I didn't think it was going to be so hard to find! We just had to keep our eye out and on a random visit to TJ Max we found it! The perfect finishing touch!

Whatever chair we have put in front of the window, Kerri has claimed. For a short time when we didn't have a chair here, she really missed it. I think she is glad we have stopped rearranging the furniture and she has "her" chair back! So am I! 

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

