14 Eylül 2018 Cuma

11 Week Update

 The last two weeks have been a bit slow. What with Labor Day and then going to visit our sister, there wasn't a whole lot of time to get a lot of things done. Plus, I am still savoring the fact we have the bathroom just about done! :)

 With the insurance guy coming, we tidied up everything so it didn't look like too much of a construction zone. It has been awhile since it was this clean! I have enjoyed the space. I thought this was a good angle too. I don't think I have showed the radiator that is in the kitchen.

And since I mentioned the insurance guy, a quick update on that. We are good to go! They had nothing to say, no "recommendations" for fixing or anything. Whew! I was a little worried they were going to think it was too much under construction and think I needed special construction insurance. So that is taken care of!

And this kind of gives you a bit of perspective on how cozy the kitchen is. I am standing in the door to the deck. I am giving the black fridge to my brother, but he doesn't have a place for it yet, so it is still in the house.

Plastering  is a pretty easy thing to do in small pieces of time. So that is the one thing that has gotten done! Both holes upstairs in the stairwell and downstairs in the hall are done! I just have to sand a finally time and they should be good. While the trowels were out, I made sure to also get any cracks and nail holes in the rest of the house. So the walls are ready for paint! 
In the picture above, the first or "rough" coat of plaster is on. I have since topped it with two smooth coats of plaster.

And this is now the view from the back deck! 
In the middle of plumbing the bathroom, Mandy I decided we needed a break and decided a bit of bush cutting was just the ticket! If you recall, there was a scrubby walnut tree blocking the view. The deck seems so much larger now too! 

What is next? Painting! And we also have to figure out how to fix the stairs. I am sure that will require a post all it's own!

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

