3 Nisan 2019 Çarşamba

Project Update: Not much left on the to-list! & Before and After

I can't believe there are less than ten items on the to-do list!! The end is in sight! Anyway, I thought it was time to share some before and after pictures. The upstairs bedrooms and bath are completely done, so we will start there!

I don't have a whole lot of before pictures of the back bedroom (a.k.a. the purple bedroom.) And honestly it wasn't that scary to begin with. It just needed a lot of paint!

No more purple walls and no more weird glue on the floor!

This picture captures the room the best. The door to the right opens onto a very small balcony. It is not my favorite. I think originally there was a window there and they must of put the door in when there was an enclosed porch below. Now there is just a deck.

I love these hooks! There are in all the closets and are original. Simple and perfect.

This is the front bedroom before. No closet doors and the floors were pretty rough. Aren't you glad I got rid of those yellowing switch and outlet covers?

I had almost forgotten about the awnings! So much brighter without them!

 So much brighter! And the floor came out quite good, considering all the gauges in them. This room has two closets, one on either side.

 This closet is quite deep, a good amount of storage here!

This is the other closet, a cute little square! But still a nice size.

And last is the middle bedroom. Another awning taken down, more glue under the carpet and a closet door restored to it's right place.

The middle bedroom has the largest closet, it is practically a mini bedroom!

I will be back later with more before and after photos! Now to go get those last to-do list things done!

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