16 Mayıs 2019 Perşembe

Brick House: Kitchen Before & After

Are you ready for a dramatic change? Even though I didn't change the layout; changing the wall color, countertops and appliances made a real difference! 

 I had almost forgot I took the upper cabinets down.... From the first the didn't look right to me.

 Oh that orange! Yikes!

I traded this fridge with my brother for a stove! It was just too big for the kitchen!

 I'm not a fan of the no-cabinet-hardware look. Doesn't look finished to me! So I added simple handles and knobs.

Mandy and I took some of the cabinets that we took down and added them here. I think it looks a little like an old fashioned wall of cabinets! I wasn't sure how the space of baskets would turn out and no one else seemed to understand what I was trying to do, but when I finished they agreed it wasn't  bad!

There are still a few small things that need to be done. But I have found a lovely family to rent and they will be moving in the end of the month!! They are so excited about the big yard and all the flowerbeds. I am so excited and yet at the same time sad.... Even though the Brick House is still mine, I didn't think it would be this hard to turn the house over to someone else..... I have loved refreshing it and bring it back to life!
Now it is time to get back to my cottage and work on a few projects there!

Lorem ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

